Emi Character Profile

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Name: Emi

Age: N/A (will be revealed later, if no ones guessed it yet)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Emi has shoulder length, medium light brown hair that is usually out or in a ponytail. Her everyday outfit consists of purple jean capris, a white tank top with a heart design, and black jean hoodie; paired with black and purple tennis. Emi's purple heart hair clip is worn on the left side, keeping stray strands of hair out of her face. Her only piece of jewel is the simple silver bracelet she wears.

Personality: Hyper and bubbly, Emi has a passion for photography, gaming, video game design, and programming. Emi doesn't like drawing attention to herself; preferring to use pen names when posting her works or sharing them. Emi doesn't want to burden others and often tries to solve problems herself or aviod certain situations. This doesn't mean she's a push over. She is very protective of her friends and family, doing anything for them and to make them happy. When it comes to her rival, she never gives up or gives in.

As Blue Jay, Emi isn't afraid to voice her thoughts or ask for help. She is willing to take more risks, since she mostly only has to worry about herself in a fight, when Panda Mime isn't around.

Likes: Photography, gaming, video game design, and programming

Dislikes: liars, taste testing Sayri's new 'recipies', anything Calex cooks, her parents working overseas.

History: Born in England, Emi's family moved to Paris when she was four. Emi lives with her older sister and brother. Her parents travel alot for their photography jobs and wanted Emi to have a stable school life. She misses her parents greatly, but doesn't voice this often, as she does not want to guilt her parents into returning home. At the same time, she tries to be independent as not to be a burden to her siblings.

She has known Mara, Calex, and Floral since grade school. It wasn't until about four years ago that she and Calex became best friends.



Calex: She has known him since grade school, it wasn't until four years ago that they became best friends. The two are so close, they often spend more time at each others' house then their own. It isn't unusal for one to randomly spend several nights that the others' house. Each has a small area they store clothes and other personal items in each others' bedrooms. The two have new serects between each other and tell each other everything. Unless it's something personal that involves someone else. In these rare cases they keep the information to themsevles, knowing the other will understand. Aira often calls Calex when she needs to get in touch with Emi. The two also know where the other is at all times, this is because of how well they know each other. If they don't know where the other is, they can often make a guess and be correct, because of how well they know each other. It isn't unsual for one to be at the others house or in their room when the other isn't home. This includes if the other is out all day. Both families know each other and treat the best friends as a part of their family.

Calex usual is the one waking Emi up in the moring for school. He also picks out her clothes for the day to aviod them being late to school. Emi often comments on how fashionable Calex is and that she'd stare at her closest for a long time trying to deicded on an outfit if he didn't pick it out for her. Calex grumbles and complains about Emi 'borrowing' he clothes all the time. In reality, he doesn't care, unless it's something he's been looking for for a while. The two also share a love of photography. It isn't unusal for them to help Aira out with work. Overall, the two have a very close relationship.

Sylive: Dispite being Mara's best friend, she and Emi have a good relationship. They often text and message more than hang out in person. Sylive is Emi's closest female friend and doesn't hold her relationship with Mara against her. In fact, aviods mentioning Mara when they hang out. Sylive is the one who conviced Emi to make her games public. 

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