Halloween Speical Part 5

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Emi's POV:

"How can you eat that much?" I watched as Calex stuffed another sandwish into his mouth. He's eaten three already, plus an apple. Calex must have three stomachs, he never stops eating. I've seen him eat an entire cake in thirty mintues before. Granted, it was a bet with Sayri. But still. "Aira's going to make you start paying for food if you keep eating like this."

Calex shrugged, "You can't blame me, I'm a growing boy." He walked over to the cabinet to pull out a bag of chips. "Besides, Sayri cooked dinner last night. I wasn't about to risk my health." Sadly, he isn't overecareateing. Sayri likes to come up with 'interesting' recipes that Calex is forced to try. Every so often, I'll get roped into trying them as well. Yeah, I'd skip dinner also if Sayri or Calex made it.

"Emi, your going to late if you don't leave soon." Pixie sat on the counter finishing her sandwish. The bread alone was bigger than her entire body. Seeing the little bird figuring out how she'd eat the sandwish was cute. Pixie literacy hovered over her sandwish for three mintues before she began to eat. "You won't be able to go shopping if you get detention."

"She's right Kals." I got off the stool and put my dishes in the sink. Aira's on kitchen duty tonight, if she comes home on time. She's been working with Mr. Agreste alot lately, which has lead to her working longer hours than usual. Because of this, Keyn has been coming home from school earlier. You'd think they'd trust me spend the night at home without either one of them here. I could also stay at Calex's place, I have an indefeneation invitation. 

"If we get detention we might not be allowed to go to the party." Perks of our families being close, Calex's parents displince me too as needed sometimes. My parents will do the same to him, when they've been home. Aira really interfers with my personal life. As long as my grades are good and I stay out of trouble, Aira trusts me. "And stop eating!"

Calex wimpered when I took the bag of chips. "At least let me eat them on the way back to school!" He winced. "I'm still hungrey!" When I didn't respond, he grabbed his bag off the couch. A pout on his face, he looked like a wounded puppy as he walked towards the door.

"Stop looking like that, it's not gonna change anything." Locking the door, I followed after Calex. He stood at the bottom of the steps staring into the sky. "Don't tell me, it's an akuma attack." That's the only thing that would make Calex stare like a deer in highlights. 

"Worst." Calex pointed towards the sky. Curious, I moved to look at what he pointed to. The sky was completely black, yet everything was bright as if the sun could still be seen. A giant pumpkin stood where the sun once was. Silver spiderwebs decorated the sky, while dancing skeletons paraded down the street.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Sighing, I handed my bag to Calex. "Pixie." My kwami flew out of my jacket and landed on my shoulder. She quietly watched as zombies and monsters strolled by my house.

"This isn't a normal attack." Pixie adviced. She moved to hover just in front of me.

"Pixie, Let's Soar!" In a flash of blue light, my transformation was complete. 

"What's the plan?" Calex asked, his carama already in hand. He likes to include himself when he can in my heroic deeds. The boy is like a ninja. He'll be there one moment, completely in the open. Then gone the next as if he were never there. "You gonna call the team?"

Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my fan. "No, I'm gonna look for Jackie first. Something's telling me this involves her." The screen opened on my fan to show the live news boardcast. "Paris is being over run with monsters and zombies. Citizens are adviced to remain in do-" The boardcast was cut off as a monsters entered the park. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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