Leaving Home

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Rapunzel's PoV:

I stood in a room looking out the window and just thinking about the games, I was still in shock and full of fear. I then heard the door open and a guard saying,"You have 3 minutes." And I saw Ridly and Nicole come into the room, both were in tears but Ridly looked like she was going to pass out. I ran to her and embraced her tightly, then I knelt down to see her eye to eye,"Shhh, shhh Ridly, we don't have much time." I said trying to calm her down, she was still breathing hard and she was still full of fear,"Ridly, listen." I said and she finally calmed down a little bit."You're gonna be ok, don't take any extra food from them, that isn't worth putting your name in more times." I said and she had even more tears falling down her cheeks, I grabbed her chin to make her look at me better,"Listen Ridly, Nicole will bring you food that she gets because it's her last year and she can get as much food as she needs." I said and she attempted to say,"J.....just try to *sob* win, what ever you can." I looked at her right in the eyes and said,"Of course, maybe I can, I am smart you know." I started rubbing her arms, then she handed me something that was in her hand, it was the necklace I gave her at our house,"To protect you." She said giving it to me, I took it and said,"Thank you." I kissed her forehead and gave her another hug, then I stood up and walked over to Nicole,"Please help her." I said and she smiled with tears rolling down her face,"I will." She said then I looked eye to eye with her and I said,"Even if I die, I won't be there anymore, I need your help, please be there for her." I said with a tear rolling down my cheek,"I'll never let someone hurt her, trust me." She said and I gave her a hug, then the guard came in and Ridly ran into my arms not wanting to leave me,"Ridly, it's ok, Ridly it's ok." I said then the guard ripped her arms off of me,"No, NO!!!" Yelled Ridly being pulled out of the room,"I Promise Ridly." I yelled as quick as I could.

Jack's PoV:

After saying goodbye to my mom, the guards came and took me and Rapunzel to a car and we took off.

I just looked at Rapunzel, I knew she was terrified, she was so beautiful. I never got to look really close at her and she was even more beautiful up close.

I just thought about the games, what was I gonna do. I can easily shoot and arrow and I can throw knives pretty good, but I'm not gonna be on top. I'm also worried for Rapunzel, I know she doesn't know how to shoot and arrow, the only way she gets food is setting traps in the woods.

Maybe I could help her prepare, if she'll let me.

Author's Note:

Hey Guys!!! Hope you guys like this chapter, I'll try to update soon, I've been really busy with sports, I'm soon gonna play basketball, so not gonna have a lot of time again, I just hope you guys keep in touch.
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And I'll talk to you guys soon. PEACE✌

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