Chapter 1

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Danielle's POV

It was our first day back on set of Legacies season 2. I was very excited to be back! I really missed my second family after a very needed and well-deserved break from shooting.

Kaylee and I were hanging out in my dressing room, just talking and catching up. We became very close friends and also hung out sometimes during the Legacies hiatus but sadly not as much as usually when we are working together. She was just in the middle of telling me about her family vacation when Jenny came through my door. "Hey guys!! I'm so happy to see you again!" She hugged us as we greeted her back. "I would really love to catch up with you, but work is already calling. Julie wants everyone to meet in the big conference room so that we can start the table read and meet the new cast members." she continued. "Oh right! I can't believe how many lines I have to learn but I'm so happy that Josie has more to say." Kaylee said excited. "Sure Kay, it's also very deserved." I told her making her smile.


It was so good to see everyone again. I was talking to Quincy when Julie came inside and started to talk. "Welcome back everyone! Before we begin, I just want to say again how grateful I am to all of you and how happy I am to begin this journey of Legacies season 2!" She said excitedly, making everyone cheer. "As you have HOPEfully all read the first scripts we made one of the fans wishes come true and am going to include Stefanie Salvatore to our coming season. Please give it up for the actress that's going to bring her to life y/f/n y/l/n!" We clapped as she walked through the door and hugged Julie. "Thanks everyone and thank you Julie! I'm really excited to be working with all of you, especially Matt, Kaylee and Jenny." She said, looking at them. It made sense considering that playing Stefan's niece made Stefanie the twin's cousin by marriage. Their character relationship is going to be interesting. Not being mentioned by her bothered me somehow. But why? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to seem all "hey I'm the lead of the show, give me attention" but this never happened to me. I pushed the feeling aside and started to concentrate as we began the table read for the first episode.


"Thanks everyone that's a wrap on our first table read!" To celebrate as it is our Legacies/TVD-universe tradition I'm hosting a dinner party tomorrow at my house!" Julie said making everyone cheer again. I love her dinner parties they're a really good bonding time for the cast and crew. "7pm for the lazy people, who can't cook." she continued looking at Matt making us laugh and him slightly blush. "Everyone who would like to help out is welcomed before then" she said smiling at Kaylee and me. We love cooking with Julie.


I was standing in front of Julie's house, waiting for the door to be opened, when Kaylee greeted me inside with a hug. "Hey Dani! Great timing Julie really needs your Italian skills with the lasagna." She said making me laugh. "Oh, Danielle thank god you're here! Lasagna really needs to be done by Italians and not by me." Julie said in relieve, as she saw me. "Well you really didn't have to make yourself the trouble and do that, but I think you're right. Let me take over." I responded chuckling, trying to remember my family recipe for lasagna. "Great! Now I can work on other things." Julie said relieved and took another sip from her wine glass before cutting the vegetables. "How much did she drink already?" I asked Kaylee jokingly, knowing that Julie is a light weight who likes to drink a bit of wine when she cooks. "That's her first glass. Julie where do you want the tomatoes that you asked for?" Y/n said chuckling, as she came from another part of the house. "Give them to me. The Italian is going to safe this Lasagna." I respond trying to hold my laugh back, making her laugh.

Y/n looked beautiful. I really liked her style. She wore a black leather jacket with a band tee, black jeans and black combat boots. Not too fancy but very edgy. I really liked it. Her y/h/c hair was in beautiful loose curls and her red lips looked very kissable. 'Wait Danielle! What are you thinking? You barely know her!' I thought to myself stopping me from staring at her. "Hey Dani, are you okay?" Kaylee asked me concerned, knowing that something was up with me. "Thanks Kay, I'm good just starving." I tried to brush it off, knowing that she wouldn't buy it. She already knows me too well. She gave me a look telling me that she would ask me later.

Dinner preparations went well. Kaylee and I were having fun as always and went live on Instagram. We introduced y/n on the live as our official new cast member but did not reveal that she is playing Stefanie Salvatore. As you can imagines the fans were asking tons of questions, mostly about Hosie and y/n.

Everyone was having a good time. I managed to safe the lasagna. Y/n, Kaylee and Julie did amazing side dishes and desserts. Matt, Jenny, Quincy, Peyton, Aria and some crew members came around 7pm to join the finished dinner. Everyone enjoyed their meals, talked, laughed and got to know each other better. Especially us getting to know y/n better as she is our newest addition to the cast/family.

"You guys should've seen y/n's audition! She gave me the same excited feeling that every one of you gave me, when you first auditioned." Julie told us. "Thanks Julie, you're way too kind. It's my first role though so I'm for sure not as good as every one of you." y/n said blushing, which was so cute and adorable. I couldn't hide my smile. "Don't be so humble. If THE Julie Plec feels this way about you, then you have to be talented. It's the first major role for the most of us as well." I told her honestly. "Easy to say, when you're such a talented actress, who's been playing THE legendary Hope Mikaelson for 2 years now. Yes, I have to admit, I'm a fan Ms. Russell." Y/n said with confidence and a wink at the end. I knew that I was blushing and tried my best not to show it, only to fail at the end. Her sudden confidence had an effect on me that I couldn't say anything more than a simple "Thank you".

"So why Stefanie Salvatore?" Matt asked her about her interest in this role. "Well as a huge Vampire Diaries fan myself I always loved the dynamic between the Salvatore brothers and the love triangle with Elena. Stefanie, in my opinion embodies the best and maybe also the worst parts of Elena and Demon as their daughter but also of Stefan as his niece, who she's named after, while still being her own person. Playing her is a huge honor to me, which allows me to continue their Legacy." She explained honestly, which I think astonished most of us. "Do you see what I mean now?" Julie asked, making everyone laugh and y/n blush again.

A while later everyone was spread around the big house. Kaylee, Jenny, y/n and I were sitting on the bench of Julie's huge balcony, talking and getting to know each other better when Aria came towards us. "Dani! Can we talk? I need to ask you something!" He stumbled in, clearly having a bit too much to drink. "Hey Aria, whatever it is, you can ask me in front of my girls." I answered him. He and I are friends and we get along well but I definitely prefer other people's company when he's obviously not sober. "Okay well..." He breathed in clearly being nervous. "So, I though as our chemistry in playing lovers is so well maybe we could find out how that would be off camera." He said, making me laugh in disbelieve. "What?" I asked, hoping that I didn't understand him correctly. "Danielle, would you go on a date with me?" Ohh no. This is going to be awkward... "Aria." I sighed not being sure how I'm going to say this. "You know that I like you and that we get along but only as friends though. I'm flattered but I'm sorry... I don't play on your team, if you get what I mean." I tried to sound as nice as possible. "Oh okay, I understand. That's too bad. Ehhmm lets just forget that I was ever here okay?" He asked, clearly feeling uncomfortable before he awkwardly left. The girls started laughing as soon as he was gone. "Hey, don't be so mean! I feel bad for him." I said, trying to hold my own laugh back. "Come on Dani! How can we not? This was so awkward!" Jenny said, laughing. "Wait, did he not know that you're into girls?" Kaylee asked, surprised. "No! You and Jenny were the only ones who knew, I didn't want to talk to him about that, nor do I think that it's anyone's business!" I explained myself, slightly frustrated. "I mean I get it. I play in both teams and it's really not anyone's business." Y/n told us, understanding what I meant. "Good to know." I responded, winking at her. 'Okay Danielle, where is this flirtatious confidence coming from?' I thought to myself. "So why tell us?" Jenny asked, curiously. "I don't know. I kind of feel very comfortable around you girls." Y/n said, making us smile. "Awww, that's soo sweet!" Kaylee said as she pulled everyone into a group hug.

Tonight, was great! I'm really glad that y/n is part of our cast/family now. She's amazing! I was sitting in my uber on my way home, when I saw a new message in our group chat.

Y/N: Thank you all for welcoming me so warmly!💗

Julie: No thanks needed! You're great!🎉

Kaylee: Welcome to the family!😊💗

Jenny: Happy that you're our "cousin"!👑💗

Me: ❤

A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first fanfiction.

Please comment what you think!

I have some ideas in my head for this story but I'm not so sure yet how to connect them, therefore I'm open for your ideas. -N

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