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What you are about to read is probably one of the biggest mistakes i've ever wrote (or one of the best things i've ever wrote, depending on your point of view).
I'm just gonna warn you, this is supposed to be weird. Read at your own risk. There's nothing too graphic here, so don't worry.
I'm also sorry if my Eridan kinda sucks ^^;;
By the way, feedback is appreciated.
Eridan was walking through the empty streets. The air was a bit more colder than usual, so he wrapped his scarf against himself more. He was just going out for a stroll, hoping he could forget about his problems even if for just a bit.
And perhaps maybe even forget about her.
Eridan sighed, thinking about Feferi. Things didn't really work out between the two of them so Feferi left Eridan.
Now Eridan was all alone. His heart was still broken from everything that happened but he was still after that special someone. He knew he would eventually find them.
Even if it took forever. Eridan hoped he would find his other half. He had to.
Eridan was now walking nearby a park, until something or rather someone caught his eye.
He saw a way too familiar silhouette sitting on one of the park's benches. 
They were huge, their skin being a shade of green. They had the very familiar pair of ears on top of their head.
"Could it be...?" Eridan thought to himself. He had to make sure it was him, so he approached the silhouette. He could now finally make sure it was him now that he was closer.
It was the green man himself.
The onion eater.
Shrek seemed to be looking a little sad. It actually surprised Eridan a bit, since the ogre was always so happy and full of energy.
"Shrek? Wwhat are you doing here?" Eridan asked, he almost had forgotten about his ogre friend.
"Eridan?" Shrek said equally confused. "I ask you the same thing!"
"I wwas going for a wwalk. I didn't expect to see you here." Eridan sat down by Shrek's side on the bench.
"There's somethin' troublin' ya, isn't it, Eridan? I doubt ya just came here 'for a walk'."
"Howw did you find out?"
The ogre chuckled, turning a bit to face the troll.
"It's literally written all over your face."
"I didn't think it wwas so obvious. But yes, there is something troubling me."
"You can talk to me if ya want, Eridan." Shrek said and stared at Eridan, waiting for him to say something. After some time, Eridan sighed and started to talk.
"There wwas this grill i wwas flushed for, her name wwas Feferi. At first I didn't wwant to confess to her about my flushed feelings because wwe wwere morails, but occasionally I ended up doing it anywways. She accepted my feelings and wwe became matesprites. Wwe wwere happy for some time. One day things stopped wworking betwween us and so she left me..." Eridan paused, looking at the ground sadly. He then quickly regained his composure and continued. "But it's not like i needed her anywways. I'm a seadwweller, i don't need anyone." He lied.
"Aah i see you're still pretty arrogant, aren'tcha, Eridan?"
"Hmpf. You still smell awwful."
Eridan scoffed. Honestly, Eridan did enjoy Shrek's scent a bit even if he smelled of onions. It was very soothing to him and it kinda helped him calm his nerves.
"Wwhy don't you tell me wwhat's been going on wwith you, Shrek?"
Shrek looked off into the distance.
"Fiona...left me. She said i wasn't giving her enough attention. She took her things and left, telling me she wasn't going to live with me like that anymore. I feel so alone. Nobody likes me, everybody is scared of me. Nobody cares about me, I'm gonna die alone. My time here is ogre." Shrek said, turning away from the violetblood sitting at his side.
"No, Shrek! Don't say things like that! I care about you! I-"
"You're just saying things like that to make me feel better, aren'tcha?"
"NO! I...I'm...I'm flushed for you, Shrek!" Eridan said suddenly, making Shrek look at him surprised.
"I...I alwways have. B-but you already had a matesprite and i wwas scared that you wwere gonna reject me...!" Eridan was interrupted by Shrek, who put his finger on his lips.
"You talk too much Eridan." Eridan blushed a bright violet and averted his eyes from Shrek.
"S-so...Do you...Do you feel the same wway?"
"Of course i do, Eridan."
Both of them got up from the bench and then...
"WHAT ON ALTERNIA?! Don't tell me your new matesprite is that giant...green..thing, Eridan!"
Eridan turned to see whoever it was. It was Vriska and she was standing in the middle of some bushes.
"Mind your owwn business, Serket. Wwhat wwere you even doing in the middle of the bushes, anywway?"
"None of your 8usiness, Ampoooooooora!" She retorted.
"What am i even doing here? Whatever, I'm just gonna go!" Vriska said and she disappeared into the night.
"Sorry about that. I wwasn't expecting her to be here." Eridan said turning to face his ogre lover.
"It's fine. Shall we continue, then?"
"Yes." Shrek got closer to Eridan and picked him up bridal style. Eridan gasped at the sudden action. A few seconds later he pressed his head against Shrek's chest.
"Shrek...I'll stay wwith you...For forever. Just please, don't leave me...Not like the others..."
"I won't. We'll stay together until everything's ogre, alright?"
Eridan nodded, feeling content enough.
"Take me Shrek. Take me to your swamp."
Shrek did as the troll demanded and they headed off to Shrek's swamp, or rather....
Their swamp.

I Want You In My Swamp. [Shrek X Eridan] FanficWhere stories live. Discover now