Bottles of tears

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I hear the cries of the fallen

Screaming for more

Screaming for my death

They anguish me and swallow me whole

I cry

And cry

But I cannot

If they see they win and I am gone

I am dead


Devoured by there voices

But not yet

I feel my breath

I feel the pain

The torture

I am alive

I have not given up

If they wish more

They will have more

If they wish me dead

They will never see it

I am brave

I have my bottle

My chest

My precious treasure

No one can take this from me

Not even the voices of the fallen

I will cry and cry in my box

No one will ever see

No one will need to suffer like me

No one will be dragged into this because of me

I have endured

And it brings happiness to those who are not aware

Not aware of the fallen's existence

If they knew would they pull me out?

Should I let them see my box of tears?

Such questions way my mind when I hear them

Would they stop if I did what they wanted?

Would they?

Those who do not know of their existence

Are they happy?

Do I not deserve to be happy?

I take all these questions into the box

My heart the chains

My soul the Box

Spilling from time to time

Slipping away from me

They cry

All my desires are of selfish standards

I wish not to have them make me hated

The Fallon's are inside

My mind

My world

My light which is dimly lit

Only there can I rest

Only there can I almost slip my soul through the chains

Only there that is dangerous is where I rest

My dim light who shines so warm inside me

Itself is suffering too

My light inside dark

I will light you

To continue

Continuing my light

My joy

My love

Who has saved me

Saved me more the I could ever want

The Fallen's

I cannot let them near my light

If I will do I will suffer

If I will be enough let me shroud in your darkness

Let them not near you

Let them not close to your heart

I myself am kind am I not?

Can I?

This feeling of protecting

If this is what it means to have a light to warm me

This light so unimaginable

I will fight

I will love

I will cry in my silent

To keep you from any more harm

In my bottle of tears

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