Chapter 2

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'V-MASC, this is Panther in Rapt-AB. Do you copy?' I speak into the headset as Stefan and I prepare to take off in our fighters.

'Panther, this is V-MASC. You are now authorized to take off from CapWay-3.Line up your craft and good luck,' a voice replies.

'Copy that.'

Completing all pre-flight checks, I line up my fighter with the runway and power up. I can feel the engine purring, readying itself for the mission ahead. As it gains speed and lifts up off the ground, shooting straight up into space, I realize how much I've missed this. It's just you and your fighter, the engine quietly rumbling underneath you, the wings and jets obeying your slightest whim, the world beneath you disappearing in an instant...

'Panther, this is Victor. Do you copy?' Stefan's voice materializes in the headset.

'Roger, Victor. This is Panther. Do you have the coordinates?' I ask.

'Roger, sir. Let's go save those humans' rear ends.'

I roll my eyes and we fly in a rolling formation, reminding me of the time when we were only young naïve officers.

It isn't long before we reach the Earth ship. It's more of a shuttlecraft, approximately three of our Rapts put end-to-end. There is substantial damage to the left wing while one of their propeller jets looks completely destroyed. They can't take another hit. If attacked, we couldn't get the humans out in time. Even if we did, we couldn't fit five people inside two one-man fighters with the pilots already inside.

'Earth spacecraft, this is Commander Frost, code name Panther, of the Valkiriyan military. Do you read?' I attempt to communicate.

'Commander Frost, I am Lieutenant Cass, communications officer aboard ESC-2. We read you,' a young female voice replies.

'Lieutenant, my wingman, Sub-commander Valor, code name Victor, will cover your rear. Just follow my lead.' I say back. 'Is everyone alright aboard your ship?'

'Yes, thank you.'

I ease the Rapt out in the front of the Earth vessel.

'Victor, cover the rear.'

'Yes, sir.' I detect humor in his voice. He flies out to the back. We have to lower our speed to match the shuttlecraft's and we fly in this formation in a single file straight up to the energy barrier.

I bring my fighter to a stop and signal the shuttlecraft to do the same. After the required authorization, we're through the barrier and in Valkiriyan space.

'V-MASC, this is Panther and Victor escorting ESC-2. Do you copy?' I contact the control tower.

'Panther, this is V-MASC. You and ESC-2 are cleared to land on CapWay-1. Welcome back,' come the reply.

In a matter of moments, we're on the ground. A procession of high-ranking officials awaits the Earth delegation. I see King Rickard, Torricelli, Curzon, Lord Britus... Stefan and I salute the officials and step off to the side.

The door of the shuttlecraft opens. A middle aged man steps forward and introduces himself as Captain Robert James. He steps out of the way and announces President John Frayek. Frayek is slightly old but a good looking man of slim build. As King Rickard greets Frayek, two men and a woman step out of the craft. The woman must be Lt Cass, communications officer. One of the men looks around. I freeze. My stomach churns and suddenly I'm thrown back 500 Earth years ago...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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