Chapter Four

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The girls got up to their seats and walked towards the bus stop. As soon as they reached the bus stop, unexpected guests were waiting for them. It was Fazel and the boys

"Damn it took you girls long enough to get here?" Isaam said. We've been waiting for so long that I would go totally insane." He continued.

"Isaam, why are you always nosy?" Ana said. "Anyways, what are you guys doing here and why are you waiting?

"Fazel told us to wait for your nasty asses." Isaam exclaimed.

"What the fuck? Who are you calling nasty asses?" Zahra said. "Isaam. I know that you love to be an ass sometimes but please, make it worth it?

"I know that but I wasn't making my time worth for you, my dear Zahra." He said it sarcastically.

"Okay love birds stop acting like this and make us think that you two will be a couple." Ali said while laughing.

"Ewwwww! Us? Couple? I'd rather date a dog right now than dating a man like him." Zahra said.

"Come on dude, you know that she is not my type."

"Well you two act like one; I'm not the only one that thinks that way. Right guys?" Ali said and grinned.

"Yeah, that's actually true..." Ana said.

"Hell yeah." Mia said.

"Sadly, but true." Niki and Fazel both said.

"But forreal, we were here waiting for you girls because of Fazel. He told us to wait for you girls." Isaam said

"Why?" Niki said.

"I don't know, honestly." Isaam said and grinned.

"Uh, okay." Niki said. "Why did you guys wait for us? Is there something wrong?" She continued and looked at Fazel.

"U-uh." He stuttered. "Can I ask you something?" He nervously said.

"Uh, sure, what is it?" Niki said why blushing.

"Are you seeing someone?"

"No, why?" Niki's face became purely red as he kept asking her bunch of questions.

Niki didn't know what to do and she was really embarrassed to look at him in the eyes so she ended up looking at the floor.

"Goddamn, just ask her the damn question already Faz! We are not going to wait for Christmas in this hot weather." Ali said while caressing his hair.

"U-uh, Niki Shajarian, will you be my one and only Queen?" He said while kneeling down and taking out a couple bracelets that's written as "Queen👑"

"It took you long enough to ask me that question?" She looked at him while blushing and pulling him up and gave him a hug.

"Is that a yes?" Fazel boldly asked.

"Absolutely, a big yes!" She said while blushing and started jumping. "Guys guys, I'm taken!!" She happily screamed out loud to her friends.

"Congrats dude, you finally man up!" Ali said while laughing.

"Congrats to you two!!" Mia and the girls said while jumping with her.

"Awww thanks guys" Niki said while blushing. "I love Fazel and I want to spend my entire life with him. I was jealous whenever I heard him being with someone else... I always think that it should be me who's going through all this with him." She pouted.

"Niks, those are all rumors, Faz, is just a damn scaredy cat to ask you out. So he went through all this trouble to pretend that he's been dating someone. When he was never dating someone" Ali said while laughing and looking at Fazel at the same time.

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