Chapter One

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The sound of a gentle harp politely interrupted the crisp morning air. I rolled over in my soft white bed and grabbed my phone off my nightstand, silencing the alarm, and cancelling those that followed. I pushed my blankety cocoon off me and swung my legs over the side of the bed before introducing my toes to the cold wood floor. I stood up slowly and stretched each limb before walking over to my window where I pulled back the soft white curtains and allowed the sunlight to swirl around in my room. After enjoying the sunlight of the new day, I made my way out of my bedroom and down the hallway to the bathroom.

It was August 28, the day before the first day of school. I had taught at the old elementary school for a year before it became too crowded and the new one was built. The school board thought it would be a good idea to merge staff from the old school along with a few staff members from schools in the neighboring district. This was the day that the teachers went and set up their classrooms and met all the other teachers, and I was beyond excited.

I went through the motions of my morning routine, which consisted of my skincare, brushing my teeth, brushing my almost waist length auburn hair and leaving it to cascade around my tiny frame, and then applying my makeup. My makeup routine was very simple, and focused on mainly accentuating natural beauty. I filled in my eyebrows, applied mascara, applied blush, and used my honey and vanilla chapstick. Once I was done in the bathroom I moved back to my bedroom where I put on today's outfit. A maroon oversized sweater, black knee length pleated skirt, black stockings, and black booties. After a quick spritz of vanilla body spray, I was ready to go.

I headed to the kitchen where I made myself some Lemon Ginger Tea and I also grabbed a few raspberries and blackberries for breakfast. I checked the time on my phone, 7:24, almost time to leave. After making sure I was pleased with today's look, I grabbed my bag and started the ten minute walk to school.

I was definitely excited to meet all of the new teachers, but I was also a little anxious, and I couldn't pinpoint why. Once I got to the school, I instantly saw Kurtis Matten, the principal, and greeted him with a smile. He gave me a little slip of paper with a room number on it, 211, my classroom. After thanking him, I made my way around the school in search of my classroom, greeting everyone I saw. So far, I didn't see any new faces other than the new receptionist, Audrey.

209, 210, 211. Perfect. I walked in to see a tall man with dark brown hair, facing the other way. I knocked on the open door in order to get his attention. As he turned around, I was met with a slightly chiseled jaw line and dark, brooding eyes.

"I'm sorry, I think either I must be lost or you must've been given the wrong classroom. I'm Molly Jackson, and Principal Matten gave me a slip of paper with 211 on it." I confessed politely. I didn't know why but something about him intimidated me in a way I had never experienced before.

He just gave me a look of confusion and said, "This is room 210," and then chuckled before showing me to the proper classroom, which was one over.

"Shoot, thank you. Sorry for taking time away from you setting your classroom up." I ducked my head.

"Please. If a beautiful woman needs assistance I'm more than happy to assist in anything you may need," and with a wink, he returned to his classroom, leaving me a flustered mess. Who is this handsome stranger? And why was he flirting with me?

Eventually I was able to regain my focus and begin setting up my classroom. I had only ever taught kindergarten, but this year I was asked to move up to teaching second grade. My classroom was almost completely setup and I had figured out which activities to do with the class tomorrow. I was struggling to hang up the classroom rules when I heard a familiar voice harshly break the silence right behind me.

"Need some help?" He asked in a cocky tone.

He scared me so much that I fell backwards off of the stool I was standing on. He grabbed me before I could fall and in doing so he pulled my waist back to his and the collision caused me to bend forward slightly. He inhaled sharply and just stood there for a moment while I unsuccessfully tried to stammer out an apology. He helped me to my feet, let go of my hips, and left wordlessly while I stood there, heart racing; looking like a tomato.

Eventually it was time for the teacher bonding event in the gym as announced over the intercom. All of the teachers made their way and began talking amongst each other, as if they were excited students on the first day of school. I was conversing with a friend of mine who I met last year. She was one of the only teachers around my age, she was 24, a year older than myself.

"So, have you met any of the newbies?" she asked me and I shook my head in response, not really wanting to mention my embarrassment earlier.

"Oh, because one of them has been staring at you this entire time. Looks like he's coming over now." My face grew as red as a tomato, already knowing who it had to be.

"Ms. Jackson, nice to see you again. And you are?" he smirked at my friend who gave me a confused look as I just said I hadn't met anyone new.

"Amy. Baldrin." She managed to utter.

"Nice to meet you Amy. I'm Andrew Jennings." He introduced himself and then walked away to introduce himself to everyone else.

Hmm... Mr. Jennings.

After the day was over, I made my way back home. My neighbor Jen was waiting for me on the porch, eager to hear how my day went. I smiled at her and invited her into my cozy abode. I told her every detail of my day, including Mr. Jennings, and that whole incident.

"You're gonna have sex with him aren't you? I saw how he looked at you." She beamed at me as I stared at her in shock.

"No! Oh my God no. He was just being friendly. Besides, you know I'm waiting." Which earned an eye roll from her.

After talking for about an hour, Jen went home, leaving me with my thoughts. I couldn't get what happened out of my head so I tried distracting myself by cleaning the entire house. Once that was done I decided to start dinner. I started chopping multiple vegetables and threw them in a bowl to create the perfect summer salad. I ate in the living room while watching chopped on the television.

Once I was done with my dinner, I washed the dishes, took a shower, prepared for tomorrow, and went to bed. Even in my dreams, I couldn't escape Mr. Jennings.

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