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Hi guys Lukas here :)) and I know I promised updates ages ago I just I fell back into my depression and I also got into a bad relationship at the time I promised updates I just I was being mentally abused buy him. He was also cheating on me with 3 others. And eventually my best friend helped me get out of this negativity bc he could tell that I was slowly giving up. And I left. But things were a lot worse, I was struggling with self harm. Trans issues. My mom, BC I am planning on moving out bc I get left with everything that I really should not. She basically acts like a teenager while I act ten times more mature then her. Soo. But i managed to dig myself out. I'm here I'm better and ready to get this story back on the road. Love yall.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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