The Monster in the Tropics

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They thought I was complacent. They thought I was tame. So, they freed my mouth. Freed my tail. They let me sing. Oh, what fools they were.


The head scientist paced back and forth before my tank. His muttering was starting to get to me, but they were under the impression that I was safe and I certainly wasn't going to tell them differently. Not yet at least.

The man was seemingly arguing with himself, scaring all his underlings while he was at it. Eventually, he stopped. His form froze in place for a moment before he whipped around and started yelling orders. The rest of the humans scattered, tripping over themselves in their haste. As chaos reigned in the room, the main human turned towards me.

His voice was commanding, as he told me quite firmly what was going to happen. "I am going to open your tank, and you are going to do a couple of flips, wave at the room, then swim back down into the bottom of your tank. You aren't as pretty as the others, but you're bigger. That'll attract a crowd; no-one has ever seen a dark mermaid. If you're good, you might get some pretty bracelets like the flashy and colorful mermaids."

That was another thing that pissed me off; him comparing me to the bright tropical mermaids. I was three times the size of them, with sharp talons and teeth meant for hunting where they had soft hands and blunt teeth meant for eating fruits. I came from the deep, these tropicals were nothing compared to me.

The humans lifted the top off of my tank, trusting me to be as complacent as the other mermaids. The other mermaids who were, of course, cowering down in their tanks, clutching their ears and gazing at the humans in horror. One of them even cried a shrill note warning the humans to run. The humans, of course, ignored them. 

I grinned a savage grin as the top of my tank was lifted up. It was time for my revenge against everything the humans have ever done to me; from placing me in a too-small, too-warm tank, to feeding me fruit, to comparing me to those weaklings. These humans would pay.

I swam to the top of the tank calmly. The main human pursed his lips, displeased with me for my disobedience right off the bat. I smirked at him as I grabbed onto the edge of the tank and hauled my upper body out of the water. The lesser humans were beginning to look doubtful of whether or not letting me out was a good idea. Too bad for them, it was already too late.

All noise in the large room immediately silenced as I opened my mouth. "Let me introduce myself." The humans all jumped at the deep tones compared to the light tones of the tropicals.

"You didn't think I was done,
Did ya?
Well, I just began having my fun,
Some people live for attention,
Playing the victim,
But baby, I was born to do the killing." I began thumping my large tail against the tank in time with the beet, causing the humans to pale and the mermaids to let out silent screeches.

"I see how you going crazy,
Always thinkin' 'bout me,
Baby on the daily.
Feed me your negativity,
Talk some more about me,
I know that you love me,
Love me!" Several tried to run, only to stumble as my magic took hold.

"Funny how you think I'm bothered,
Know I'm nothing like the others.
You shouldn't have messed with me,
'Cause I heard,
That you're afraid of monsters, monsters!

"Are you ready for the monster, monster?
Are you ready for the monster, monster?
Are you ready for the monster, monster?
You ain't ready for the monster, monster.

"I'm just being me,
Cut out the things that I don't need.
And I don't care if you disagree,
I don't need no sympathy.
Winning the game on my own." A savage grin once again split my face as some of the weaker humans approached my take and began to climb into the water.

"I see how you going crazy,
Always thinkin' 'bout me,
Baby on the daily.
Feed me your negativity,
Talk some more about me,
I know that you love me,
Love me!

"Funny how you think I'm bothered,
Know I'm nothing like the others.
You shouldn't have messed with me,
'Cause I heard,
That you're afraid of monsters, monsters!" I watched with glee as my talons effortlessly sliced open the throats of those in the water with me. I relished the thick, red blood slowly polluting my tank.

"Are you ready for the monster, monster?
Are you ready for the monster, monster?
Are you ready for the monster, monster?
You ain't ready for the monster, monster.

"Ah, it could've been so different between us.
But then you went and messed everything up.
You took a knife and stabbed me in the back,
Took everything I had,
Went to your friends and laughed.
This is the last time,
I'm gonna tell you now.
If you try to break me,
I'm gonna burn you down.
Oh baby I'm done with you,
Not coming back for you." I turned my sights on the main scientist as the last of his underlings became food for me to eat as I pleased.

"Let me introduce myself.
Funny how you think I'm bothered,
Know I'm nothing like the others.
You shouldn't have messed with me,
'Cause I heard,
That you're afraid of monsters, monsters!"

"Are you ready for the monster, monster?
Are you ready for the monster, monster?
Are you ready for the monster, monster?
You ain't ready for the monster, monster." My chest rumbled as I slowly bit down on the human's neck. The tropical mermaids looked at me in horror as I murmured one thing into the man's ear before I viciously ripped his throat out and watched him choke on his own blood.

"Don't confuse a Siren like me with those pitiful mermaids."


A/N: A bit shorter than my other stories, but I just suddenly got the idea to base some short stories off of music from my personal playlist! If you enjoyed, hit that follow button and be on the lookout for my next update!

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