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The exhilaration and powerful sensation that coursed through every inch of Nightcloud's body overpowered the piercing pain that accompanied it. The feeling eventually dwindled out, and Nightcloud blinked his eyes open and peered around at the cats surrounding him. The tom-cat with an almost transparent flame-colored pelt that had just pressed his nose against Nightcloud's walked away from him slowly.

"I trust that you will use the strength well," he said as his warm green eyes blinked.
Nightcloud nodded and smiled back.
The next cat that walked towards him was a tortoiseshell she-cat.

"Nightcloud, with this life, I give you independence. You have always been a bravely and fiercely independent thinker, and I encourage you to trust your own mind. You are going to have to forge strong relationships within your clan, but never forget to trust your own discernment."

She touched her nose to his and the same painful and powerful feeling rushed over him once more like a powerful wave, but he managed to stay planted on all four of his paws. This same process repeated six more times, and he was given the lives of creativity, intuition, compassion, community, bravery, and loyalty.

The cat that had given Nightcloud his first life stepped forward again and spoke.

"With these nine lives we have gifted you with, we have also invested our last hope in you. Out of all of the cats that we have observed, you shown yourself to be by far the most fit warrior to be the leader of the new era of the clans. I trust that you are fully aware of the great responsibility that we have put on your shoulders, but be sure that you will not have to bear it on your own. Although we will be far for a short amount of time, we will strive to give you as much help as we can. You must also lean on your clanmates, and we all give you full liberty to change the hierarchy of your clan if you see the need to. We trust you. Now, go on and lead LightClan into a new frontier

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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