The Perfect Gift

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[blurb: Eddy can't decide what to do for Brett's birthday.]


Eddy P.O.V.

I slam my hands on the piano keys and produce an unpleasant sound. In a matter of seconds, Brett came bursting through our office door.

"What's going on? Are you okay? What was that sound?" he asked, walking toward me panicking.

I groaned, "I'm fine. It's nothing. Sorry I made you worry."

He sat next to me, "You don't usually take things out on the piano."

I sighed, "I'm just frustrated, I guess." I say before I lose my nerve.

"Why? Were you working on something? Can't remember a piece?" his hand was rubbing circles on my back.

I lean on his touch and look at him, only now realizing he wasn't even wearing his glasses. "Did I wake you?"

He shook his head, "Not exactly. I was already awake, but didn't want to get up just yet."

My heart ached. Sometimes it hurts to realize how much someone loves you. Such is the case with Brett. "I'm sorry. It's just.."

"Hm..?" he chimed, pulling me closer to his embrace.

"I wanted to compose something for you." I say, before regretting it completely. "I mean.. your birthday is coming up and I wanted to do something special.." I turn away, standing up.

I felt him standing behind me, "My birthday? You don't have to get so worked up about my birthday." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me toward him, "Seriously, if it's making you so upset, just stop."

I groaned as I removed his arms and released myself from his hold, "But I want..." a sigh of frustration dragged out before I could attempt to stop it.

I heard him plop on the couch, "Come on, Eddy. I mean it. Don't think about it so hard. Whatever you plan to do, I'll love it. You know that. Besides, you have a lot of time to plan it all out."

I finally turn to face him, "Don't patronize me like that!" My voice was raising and my heart was thumping, "Is it such a crime for me to want to do something special for the man I love?"

He sighed, his hand rubbing his temple, "I just don't particularly enjoy seeing you so uptight and worried. That's all. I'm not telling you to stop planning.."

I storm out of our office and make my way to our bedroom. I grabbed his glasses and return to the office, "Here."

He took his glasses and put them on, "Thanks." he mumbled. He cleared his throat, "Let's go out."

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "I don't want to."

He stood up and took my hands into his, "Come on, it will be good for you. Maybe you'll see something that will give you an idea.. or something like that." He brought my hands to his lips and planted soft kisses on my knuckles.

My insides melted at the simple gesture of gentleness. I let out a sigh, "Fine. You're right. I need a break from thinking."

He leaned forward and kissed my cheek, "Plus, we could use some fresh air. We haven't gone out in days."

. . . L A T E R . . .

"See? You're glowing." Brett whispered before rolling off me.

I could feel my face go red, pleasure still shot waves of heat all over my body. "Oh, shut up." I said, watching as he got up to go to the bathroom.

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