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Authors note: I am really sorry that I haven't been updating and for that I will start to write better and  little more than 700 words.

-I am really sorry, Mari out!❤

Eight months later:

"Kesley!!!" Yelled the red haired french girl.

As Wolf his wife yell his last- their last name- he ran downstairs and into the living room. When he entered, he saw Scarlet digging her nails into the sofa and panting from the pain she was in.

Soon he ran to her side and said "I'm here, I'm here,"  and tried to soothe her by stroking her head softly .

"Oh, Wolf!... Take... Me ... To the hospital!" She said in pain.

Without telling him twice, he immediately swept her up into his arms and carried her to their port. He bucked her up for safety and drove away.

At the Beijing's castle: 

Kai woke up with a beautiful angel by his side. Cinder and Kai have been engaged for 9 months already, nd decided that Cinder would still be queen of Luna for safety reasons. One, you will never know the intention they will have. Two, they could make Luna better or worse. Last but not least, three, it is more safe that someone from the palace understood how luna is supposed to be treated and feel. Although Kai has been teaching Cinder how to be a good queen for the past year, she ended returning the favor by teaching him on how to defend himself when he is in danger. For him those days seemed like heaven because Cinder would touch him and give him quick pecks here and there.

Soon enough Cinder woke up and smiled at him, leaving him in awe. "Good morning Kai."

 " Good morning, princess. " he replied while leaning towards her lips but a cold finger stopped him.

 "Heh, sorry Kai but I have morning breath and I need to take a shower." She whispered while she planted a small kiss on his forehead.

As she got up he followed her leaving a 5-feet space between them. Cinder turned around and asked him, "What or why are you following me?"

 " Because my mom said to follow my dreams. " he said with an adorable grin on his face.

Cinder couldn't help but smile and push him softly. "You are one cheesy boyfriend, you know that right?"

 " Sorry but you'll want to refrain from calling me your boyfriend. " he said

"Why? If you are my boyfriend, Kai. " she replied while walking towards his closet to get her favorite olive colored tunic dress.

With one movement he grabbed Cinders right wrist and pulled her close to him to face each other, and said we are more than boyfriend and girlfriend. " while he reached for her left hand and raised it towards their faces. "See?" He said pointing at her ring finger, "you are my fiancee, the love of my life, and soon you and me will be together for eternity."

While looking into his chocolate brown eyes, she whispered "I am so dumb Kai. Can you please forgive me?" 

 With a smirk on his face he answered, "oh no. You are going to pay for your actions, Cinder."

" Oh I wonder what will that be? " she said in  seductive voice.

In Thorne's ship:

Cress danced around in her new dress, that Thorne gave her last night just to make up for eating her last pudding.

"Oh, Thorne. How can I tell you how much I-" she whispered.

But a familiar voice interrupted her, "love you?" he said.

" Thorne! " yelled Cress with joy, she leaped into Thorne's arms, and said "how are you?"

With a smile on his face he replied, " I'm good now that you are in my arms. " 

"Um, Thorne, can I tell you something, but promise you won't be mad?" She asked in a low voice.

"Why would I be mad? Only if there is another man involved." He said while looking down at the small brunette in his arms who seemed to a little shy.

"I... I-I am ...You are... We are... Ugh!" She stuttered.

 "What are you saying? I can't hear you from down there." He said playfully. 

With a smile she looked at him, and whispered into his ear, "I'm pregnant."

As soon as he heard the news, he fainted.

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