1 Instructplicit and AutoCorRekt

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Who am I to judge, are you my judge? We try at meanings but there is much traffic
Feelings and nuances pile over
Each other till there is naught but drudgery in decision precision
Ending in derision submission to the realpolitik of interpersonal relaxionships.

Must wrestle with the Brain to reign and rein in, to have a moment's lucidity, that's what truly said is truly you. Sumtimes I deliverRately altear the spellings to liberate my thoughts from caging conNot-ations, Enrage my Grammar NotSee so as to Knewly SeeHearandNow.

Hammer the words into molds never before forged to break Free from breaking your own words. Man-gle google trans-late that is never on time with what she means and wants to heart, hear her here away with the herd heard yet ignored be a Firstson, the won who is the first to sound you out.

[a first undertaking, hope you like it. I begin with the premise, hypothesis, theory, whatever you wanna call it, that words really have no meaning, fluid meaning, just a collection of signs pointing to you the general way to stay alive and sane, but definition is just like it is when you are holding a dictionary open, but totally everything flies at light speed when you're at an actual communication setting. I am not deconstructing all words or language but all I'm saying it has been remixing and remaking itself dynamically in face to face circumstances so this is my reaction to it. Deliberate war on auto-correct while trying to make sense of everything. I am never making myself clear to you in the above verse but what you read and understand is yours and yours alone. We will never have the exact same interpretation but synoptic understanding is going to be a human miracle. We're making poetry a debatable, conversation piece by sheer inconventionality and misrepresentation of personal signification. Wordsmithing, I call it. Welcome to the Forge of the Wordsmith July 22, 2019.]


<<NunConphormity and Reveallion>>

Being in a monastery while out of it
Icoknowclast dicktator wanna cloister us all
You wanAh! fuck with our minds whyle you fuck yours
DieVerCity their ass like there's no form, yet are defined by going against form. If there's no form then nothing's to be torn, right
Left the centerstage philosoftphy's a theatre, you're but a star
Fix our eyes on you till it bleeds
Attension is all you kneed.
Let sociYeti conform to your nonconformity.

Rebelling is a revelaShun of one's dispaRage-ing of the norm of a thousand years of Sureviv-all,
But who cares bout (round one-ta-twelfth noir) the Karma-On Go(o)d when you wannAh! die Jung and a-Freud and the whole Com-Uni-Tie dies with the Rain of Tear-Roar and Guillo-Teen-ing of the El-ite and the Well-think.

All is frigging equal but to dif-Perish is Influencer level 100.

What does that tell you, nothing and so much more, all factory price chaos (key-Us) is more con-Troll of the she-EP. Bring in the chemical romance and make the french guard-en Blow-ssom, inThrowDouse the Haute Couture and b(s)lur the lie-nes

Till we can't, don't kn(No)w what to teach (reach) + each(t + r) [h]our chil(hold on)ren anym-Ore. NunConphormist omknee-scient literary theorists have use-serfed the power by taking Ad-vant-Age of being underestimated.


<<<Neologistic Revvolushun>>>

The aim is to be misunderstood
To be understood as uninterpretable exegesis miraculous
as present words-wards become future convictions pronounced with conviction hence the new lo-gos is to go farther than Star Trek
Rev your endgines to leave them
in the dust of their quackmire
Im-posing with their genetic posers
Traps among trappers
E-nd the neo hedgemoany's leaking li-c-kers hiding among phake porophiles and dis-guise-neyzeromothering
In animalistic anihilmation
Counter and count their iniquities s-low-ly creeping into the telepsyche via li-(v)-e reekmakes
Of hackneighed peed operatics and theatricks in mercilessnary CGI
Runn and rune c-Own-terr to the
F-low of ma-(insane)-stream med-(dl)-i-(ng)-a with Mein de-Kampf(ing) mobilizing J-(a)-ibbe-Ri(c)sh, counterfeighting
CounterKulturALL reSeizeStance towards the deConStruction of traditional public good
In the nihilame of freeakdom dominaThing the normalgene populace whereas Vox Populi Vox Dei
E. E. Cummings was neVer more relevant than today when letters let out the tellers from their postmodern fetters and obfuscation is a message all too cl-ear in itself but you get my drIFt.


¤¤Accomplice Fifth Estate¤¤

Massturbating made-ia making the rights of the clefts para-mount over the centrists, read: normies, in meme lingo. Reporting dieVersity offensive com-playnts more than reaped young buds in evilme-grant flooded white effeminate shires and burgs, a shame. Shaming nationalists on national TV because multicultural fathers need their 72 virgins chop chop. Gone are the commandos that command respect and bring order through the barrel of gold glint. Nobody is to be feared but the local black market gangs. Changing the demographics would bring in the needed chaos to neceaseitate the world state and the one demigod to fulfill a midsummer night's dream. Made-ia covers other news to cover up more newsworthy news. More entertainment to hide the real scan-dolls in higher places and exclusive islands. Fake news is Nobody knows. Divert the anger of the mob with infomercials galore. Truth stays in the good book, barred from an industry filled with A-Listers and A-gayists. Sometimes,  averting no-[ews]-clear war was just saving the in-emy from armaggedon. No kids from scorched earth, would they? hee hee.

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