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She never sure why—maybe it was the way he would smile and it would warm up her whole body, or maybe it was simply the sound of his laugh—Jason Grace made her love again. After her mother and father quarrels and their deaths, Reyna believed that love would never last. For the first time she could remember, she let her guard down. There was something beneath those electric blue eyes that was genuine and kind—something she never felt before.

He was sweet and always sensitive of her emotions. Her nature was rash and hard-tempered, but he minimized that.

He made her a better version of herself. She now smiled. She had more sunny days than dark. She now could remember times when she was happy and only Jason had brought her that.

It wasn't until after the big battle when she fought along side him that she began to believe maybe he loved her too. Soon after, they were both were selected as predator, and they became inseparable.

Although, his thoughts were never clear, the more time she spent with him, the more she was sure of her feelings.

The long hours they spent cleaning the stables and checking the camps was just another excuse to spend time with him.

It wasn't until a camp member ran into her room telling her the tragic news, when she realizes she should have told him how she felt.
She has mourned alone every night wondering if he has found someone else. She went on far too many solo missions in search of Jason that others thought she gone mad.

Going out on adventures was the only way she would cope with missing him. From time to time, she would pass by someplace familiar where she and Jason had traveled, and it would bring back bittersweet memories. Nevertheless, she had to stay strong and not let love get in the way, like she was before Jason—heartless and cold.

She dreamed daily of Jason and the moments they shared. Months later however, she dreams of him holding hands with another girl, with beautiful eyes and a pretty face. And then, she knows that the dream was real. Jason moved on with his life.

She wondered if he remembers her-if he remembers the times they had. And the pain, it hurts so much that it feels unreal.

She finally sees him after months— his electrifying blue eyes looking a little too bright, and his smile a little too wide— she realizes she has lost him. A little hope was still left in her but it completely vanished. She now knows that she was never his to begin with, and although he may have felt that way before, he no longer does.

She smiles at him and at his new love but inside she wonders if it once hurt him as much as it hurts her...

She was too young and desperate to be loved that she gave her heart away to the first guy who made her happy.

No matter how heartbroken she is, she stays strong, because she's a survivor. Maybe one day, when she recovers, she will find love again to prove Aphrodite wrong, that one day a man will seal her heart. Until then, she will wait, she will cry, and she will try to forget, because that is all she knows for Jason taught her that love comes with pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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