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Idk why I'm doing this. But she's here. Sorry the picture is so shitty. But that's her.

Name: Etsuko Mori

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Talent: Ultimate Toymaker

Personality: Acts like a parent most of the time but can be goofy and stupid. Can also be way too overprotective.

Appearance: Picture above.

Likes: Decora fashion, dolls, desserts, horror novels, mochas, dogs, vocaloids (this list is all over the place lol).

Dislikes: Airplanes, cats, plain clothes, fire, anything to do with the military.

Role: Wait and see fam.

Backstory: Her mother died while enrolled in the military as a doctor. She started making toys for her younger sister Kimiko to cheer her up when their father forced her to play the piano. Kimiko took the toys to her music school and soon every child wanted one. She started a toy business called Dreamland Inc that made billions within a few months. She hates fire because of one of the machines in her factories that caught fire and burned her lower body and hands. (That's why the bandages are there. She doesn't look like Freddy Kruger or anything, but it's enough to scare a kid.) 

Feel free to pm me any stuff you need to ask. But be warned, it may take me a while to respond.

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