Untitled Chapter

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I watch them from the shadows each day, they both used to laugh and joke around each other...But now they stay as far away from each other as possible. She sits alone now, and although she buys her lunch she only stares at it the whole time. Nothing more. I've never seen her eat since that day two weeks ago. Although, seeing as she looks healthy...She must eat only at home. He sit there with his group of friends, laughing and joking around, trying to forget the event of losing his closest friend, but only managing to make things worse by ignoring it. I never see her smiling anymore, not even trying. He is always smiling...A fake one to hide the pain he's feeling. He hides it, she doesn't even try. Yet no one cares about either of them. No one cares to ask if they're okay. He's the reason she's all alone. She's the reason he's got so many friends. Yet they act like strangers. 

I noticed she started caring less and less about how she looks, she just wears over-sized sweaters, converse, and a pair of jeans. It's like she doesn't even want to try. Her hair is just thrown into a messy, regular braid resting on her left shoulder. I think it looked better when she let her long blonde hair flow free, or at least in a ponytail. She gave up on make-up. Now she just goes natural. She always has her black SkullCandy headphones around her neck now, that or on her head. I can always hear her music, Avril Lavigne, Trading Yesterday, Green Day, things she never used to listen to or even care about. 

He always listens to music too. But his is normal. Sometimes a sad song or two...But normal. He never changed his style, still no makeup thankfully, same clothes, same shoes, same hair, same everything. He notices how she is now, and you can see his eyes fill to the brim with sadness and regret whenever he looks at her. She never notices him. It's weird. It's like their two different people from who they were three weeks ago. 

It's sad.


Who would let someone do that to them? She loved him, he loved her, he lied to her, she believed him. It's like a cycle that will forever repeat for her. Poor girl, if only she knew how many other girls were going through the same things but were dealing with it much better than her. Even if she knew I'm sure they wouldn't listen to her.

After what he did to her, I wouldn't talk to her either. It's nothing like what you're thinking...Or is it? Let me just tell you it's all PG-13. There's a reason this story is rated that...You know that right? 

I can't believe it still. Who blabs about their best friend's biggest secrets to the whole school? And what's worse is...The school administration is actually doing something about it .Sounds awesome, huh?


They're on the poor girl's case non-stop, saying she needs counciling, pushing her limits much to far. It's pure instanity. I wish they just ignored it like they ignore every other little thing that goes on within school grounds. 

To bad they couldn't this once.

To bad it's to late to repair her broken heart, and his lost soul.

She believed him.

He lied.

S[he] Be[lie]ve[d]

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