The Betrayal

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You stand in Stark Tower. Steve and Sam had gotten their outfits confiscated, and Bucky had escaped. The bombing had happened.

You knew it wasn't Bucky who set up the bomb. You saw the bomber with your own eyes. He had passed by you while you were guarding the gathering room. He had an odd device in his hand. When you realized the possibility that it could be a bomb, you were too late. The King of Wakanda, and many other people, were dead. Multiple, got injured.

So you took the guilt for letting such a suspicious person into the room. Of course Tony kept telling you that it wasn't your fault, but you knew it was, no matter what anyone told you.

Tony comes up behind you and hugs you. Then he stands next to you. "Y/N. We have to fight Steve now", he says. "Which side do you choose?" He asks, confident that you would choose his team. You sigh, nervous and frustrated. Then you turn to kiss him on the lips. When you break apart, you confess, " Tony, I'm sorry, but I choose Steve's team." You whisper.

The shock on Tony's face is amusing, but heartbreaking. He says nothing. He just walks away. You believe in Steve's intentions but it hurt so much to let Tony down. You lean against a wall and a few tears roll down your cheeks. Wanda comes up behind you. "It's okay. You made the right choice." She concludes.

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