Tesseracts and Textbooks

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Shannon - Asexual: Kinsey X

Gregory - Heterosexual: Kinsey 0

Stephanie - Heterosexual with homosexual tendencies: Kinsey 1

Noah - Heterosexual, more than incidentally homosexual: Kinsey 2

Paris - Bisexual: Kinsey 3

Everest - Bisexual more than incidentally homosexual: Kinsey 4

Isabella - Homosexual but incidentally heterosexual: Kinsey 5

Flint - Gay: Kinsey 6

Everest stared at the windowsill where he saw a dead fly, the more he looked at it the more he saw it's painful death. The wings began to flutter snd flew away from the classroom. 

*The school bell rings*

Teacher: Class Dismissed...

*Everest left the classroom and walked out of the school to find all 7 of his friends waiting by the bike rack*

Shannon: Who's house are are we going to?

Noah: I'm sure my parents would be fine with it.

Paris: Perfect!

*Paris, Shannon and Flint unlocked their bikes and began to pedal toward Noah's house*

*Noah and Isabella unlocked their scooters and kicked away*

*Gregory and Everest skid off with their skateboards*

*Stephanie began to run faster than all of them to Noah's house and arrived there before everyone else*

*Stephanie sat on the porch as she watched everyone arrive*

Shannon: It's no wonder you made varsity track

Stephanie: No durrrr

*Noah unlocked the door and all of them ran upstairs and into Noah's bedroom*

Noah: Paris do your thing!

*Flint turned on the radio to static and Paris closed her eyes and focused on the noise*

*The radio frequency began to shift to an unknown channel when they heard screaming and growling from a monster*

*Paris opened her eyes and said*

Paris: There was an unnatural disruption

*The ground began to shake violently*

Noah: Everyone get under a table!

*Shannon tried to run under the doorway when the nick knacks began to lift up off the table and then drop mid air*

*A violent vibration passed through them and the whole town*

Noah: Everest find the disruption. 

*Everest closed his eyes and opened them and said*

Everest: The watermill near the blue creek

*Everyone grabbed their transportation vehicles and drive to the water mill*

*Everyone ran up to the top deck and Shannon aimed her hands at the lock conjoining the the trapdoor to the deck and it snapped in half*

*They all opened the trapdoor together and climbed down the ladder to find a pulsating crack in the air that shifted between colors*

Gregory: What is that?!?

Isabella: I believe that is a tesseract that could lead to a parallel universe

Everest: That sounds co-

*Everest tripped over his own feet into the tesseract pulling in Gregory with him*

Paris, Isabella & Noah: Gregory!

Shannon, Stephanie  & Flint: Everest!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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