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"what's this?" vera asked looking out her window.

"what?" i furrowed my eyebrows walking over to the window.

"the water, what is it?" she looked at me.

"the rain?" i clarified.

"is that what it's called?" she looked up at me, wide-eyed.

"yep, it happens when the clouds get too heavy," i told her. she still looked confused so i grabbed her hand and sat her down on my bed. "sometimes when people get upset, they don't cry, they just hold it all in, but eventually they have to let it all out. that's like the clouds, they get upset but they don't release it right away, but sometimes they can't take it anymore and they have to cry," i explained.

"why are the clouds upset?" she asked.

"because sometimes things happen," i shrugged.

"so the clouds are crying right now?" she asked, walking back over to the window.

"yep," i laughed.

"can i go see it?" she asked excitedly.

"sure," i laughed, grabbing her hand and pulling her outside. she took off the shoes she was wearing and ran out into the middle of the street. she spread her arms out like wings and spun around.

"this!" she shouted, "i like this!"

i ran into the street and handed her my jacket, she refused it and shook her head.

"the rain makes me feel alive, i like that, i like feeling alive," she laughed. i smiled at her and shook my head.

"why don't we go inside before you catch a cold," i grabbed her hand. she furrowed her eyebrows.

"what's a cold? why don't i want to catch it?" vera asked.

"it doesn't matter, let's just go inside," i laughed and dragged her inside.

i led her into the bathroom where she took a towel and dried off her hair.

"we're leaving this house tomorrow," i told her.

"why?" she pouted.

"my dad leased an apartment, and everything is packed up to move," i said.

"so we'll be in an apartment tomorrow?" she clarified.

"yeah, for the two of us," i explained.

"oh," she said quietly and walked back into my room.

"is that okay?" i raised my eyebrow.

"yeah," she giggled. i nodded and pulled her back into my room. she sat down on the bed and looked at me with big eyes, clearly wanting me to sit next her. i laughed and sat down next to her, taking her hands in mine.

she was so intriguing and she didn't know it. she would flutter her eyelashes and look at me with her deep brown eyes and just become so lost in whatever she was doing, no matter how simple the task. i didn't care that she didn't have the perfect body, or that she wasn't model material. i just cared that she was mine, and that she was perfect to me.

"i like you luke," she said suddenly.

"what?" i laughed.

"i like you. like, you're nice to me and you care for me," she smiled, causing her eyes to crinkle at the sides and her cheeks to get rosy. i sighed and bit my lip.

"i like you too, vera."

vera sat in the front seat of my car, watching with wide eyes as my parents carried the last boxes out of the house.

she smiled brightly at me as i slid into the front seat. i turned the key and backed out of the driveway.

"how do you do that?" she asked, looking at my hands on the steering wheel.

"how do i do what?" i laughed, turning the corner.

"that thing you're doing, you're moving the car," she explained.

"oh, driving. i don't know, i just learned," i shrugged.

"do you think i could learn someday?" she asked quietly.

"sure," i sighed. she stayed quiet after that and looked outside of her window. the trees were reflected in her eyes and her smile grew as she saw an animal on the street or people greeting each other.

"i like being alive, it's a nice change," she told me.

"i'm glad you like it, you were meant to be alive," i smirked at her. she blushed and looked at her hands in her lap. i pulled into the parking lot of our new apartment building. i grabbed her hand and led her inside.

she ran up the stairs and down the hallway, only stopping once to ask where our apartment was. i laughed and led her to it. i pulled out a key and unlocked the door. she ran inside laughing.

"this is nice," she smiled, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the floor.

"it seems a little empty to me," i joked. there was absolutely nothing in the apartment. the movers followed us here, so they were on their way up with the furniture, but as of now it was just a few empty rooms.

"is it a custom for boys to move put of the house once they get their stars?" vera asked, standing up and walking into the small kitchen area.

"yeah, most boys do," i answered following her around.

"do calum and maddy live alone?" vera asked.

"yeah," i answered. she had a strange expression on her face, something that i couldn't decifer. she didn't seem to like calum and maddy together. she seemed to like maddy, and she seemed to like calum, but not together as a couple.

"do you think we'll ever fall in love?" she questioned quietly, looking out the window, watching the movers pick up a couch.

"i hope so, vera. i mean we are spending the rest of our life together whether we like it or not," i shrugged, walking back out to the main room and opening the door so the movers would be able to get in.

"why is it like that?" she inquired. although, vera had an expression like she actually knew why.

"i don't know, vera, that's just the way things are."

hey sorry is took me sososo long to update aha.

i love you guys loads

xoxoxo mary elizabeth

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