Chapter 1

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"Get your hands off me!"I rolled my eyes before the guy surprisingly backed away.He stunk and he hit my bruise.I didn't hurt that much but he was being careless."Hi babe"I quickly find him and hold on to him."Who was that?"His eyes staring the guy down before he flicks his attention towards me.He looked mad and my anxiety quickly creeped up.

"I don't know him,I swear"I grab his hands hoping to relax him.I didn't want to deal with this,I thought we could have one good night.

His face untightened a little before saying."Don't let me catch you like that again.I told you to wait for me over there."He was right.I shouldn't even came out tonight,this was stupid.

"I-I know and i'm i'm sorry"I strained myself on my toes to speak to him.The music was loud and difficult to hear for humans,luckily I heard him fine.

"Yeah alright"He snatched his hands off mine before walking to the bar.I followed quick on his trail scared to lose him and get in trouble.I didn't understand what he said to the bartender but the bartender came back with three shots and Zeke downed them all quickly.He was supposed to drive tonight.He always said that a man is the provider and is supposed to be the driver.And he hated me touching his car.

"Ze?Do you want to go dance babe?"My voice pleaded,I wanted him away from the bar if we had any chance of getting back safely.He took two more shots before nodded and pulling my hand.

He was aggressive on the dance floor,but he was drunk so he didn't know better,I didn't blame him.We stayed there for another hour and a half before he decided he didn't want to be there any longer.

His driving brought me so much anxiety.But I didn't say anything,he wasn't following speed limit or the lines on the road but I trusted him,I had too.We luckily made it back to the apartment safely.

I just wanted to sleep.But of course not an option.I laid in bed hoping he would just fall asleep.He grabbed my ass before pulling me towards him."Ze,please"I pleaded,maybe he would let it go if I begged,especially since he was drunk.

"If-if I want to fuck shut up"He had somehow discarded his underwear before pushing mine to the side and entering me quickly.It wasn't really pleasurable at all,and the angle he was at hurt my hip.

I gently pushed his hands off me before he took them again and folded my arms behind my back painfully.He kissed and sucked my neck definitely leaving marks,his breath smelled of straight alcohol.Luckily for me he finished inside me quick before slapping my ass one more time and rolling over falling asleep.I softly stood up and went into the shower,I always felt dirty after we had sex.

I wiped my tears before I walk back to bed and couldn't sleep.I hated the position I had put myself in these last few months.Id become completely dependent on Zeke.I was still in school and I couldn't afford to pay tuition,books and housing so I figured he was just being polite offering me to move in.I thought it was kinda fast considering we hadn't known each other that long,but he was sweet.Working wasn't an option,it felt like I barely had enough time to do anything now.

The club yesterday was definitely a rare and once in a lifetime thing for me.I just wanted to get through school and get as far away from him as possible.

Even if my parents lived thousands of miles away they made sure that when or if I ever needed anything they'd provide it,and for that I am grateful.But I didn't want them asking questions about me and Zeke.I was so overwhelmed with everything going on,I just needed to relax.

Eventually I managed to fall asleep.I had a class at 10 and wanted to get some food beforehand.It took me longer than expected to get ready because I had to cover these stupid hickies Zeke thoughtfully gave me.

I stumbled into my favorite coffee shop nearby.There was a line,sadly.So I left and went to the store and decided to just get bottled coffee.And I guess I wasn't the only one with that idea.

"I'm sorry"I motioned my hand to the coffee allowing him to go first.

"No,don't apologize I was in your way.Please go ahead"His voice warm and inviting.I politely nod my head and give him a small smile.I grabbed a bottle and went to check out.He grabbed his drinks after me and I couldn't help but notice how many coffee drinks he was grabbing.Must be pulling some kind of all nighter.I shrugged it off and went to my classes.I kinda felt bad for still thinking about that stranger when I had Zeke,and for the most part things were fine.He was controlling but it made sense.After class I went back to the apartment .

I washed my thoughts away in the shower.I sat around waiting for Zeke to get here,I didn't really know people at school and the ones I did know Zeke didn't really want me to be out with them a lot and they started to not invite me places anymore.I didn't really like thinking about it.

It had been a week since I ran into that stranger from the store,and he was still on my mind.I wanted to see him,he was so friendly like I know him or something.An invisible connection that I could've sworn I was making up.I must be losing my mind.

~~~i don't have a lot of this story written at all and im currently writing like 3 others so if there's slow updates apologies~~~

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