Part 2

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That was until I was walking out of the library late at night and he had popped up.He leaned against the building before approaching me.My heart started to race,was he here just for me.I started to pull out my phone ready to call Zeke.

"Hi"He smiled.
"Hi?"I said back before starting off to my car quickly.I didn't care how attractive he was I didn't feel safe in the dark with a strange man.
"W-wait!I don't know you or anything but I remember you from last week at the store and i-i wanted to take you out,like on a date"I furrowed my eyebrows,definitely not believing him.This all felt like a set up and I wanted to get back to my car.
"I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend"I started speed walking to my car before locking myself in there and driving away quickly.If he remembered me how would he even know where to find me,how did he know my exact location and when I'd be leaving.I never got inside so fast.

He made me paranoid.

That night was the worst sleep I've probably ever had.Zeke wanted to have sex and I didn't do anything except think about that stranger the whole time.

School was normal for the next few weeks and I was excited for summer to come.I didn't see that man any longer,but Zeke was getting more controlling and abusive.Summer was coming making it harder to hide the marks he had left on me.I started to spend as much time as possible in the library still anxious about that man showing up again.

And for a while I didn't see him.Until I did.I had been leaving the library once again late at night,I hated being in the apartment and the library was 24 hours might as well stay there as long as possible.

He was in the diner across from the library that night.I wasn't too hungry but I felt drawn to the diner,I could use a coffee anyways.

He had been there with two other people,all equally attractive as him.I sat in a booth and ordered a coffee,making quick eye contact with him a few times.All he would do was nod and smile.I shouldn't be here anyways.As soon as I started reaching for my wallet to pay I was suddenly surrounded by three men.The one ive seen before next to me in the booth and two more across from us.

I subconsciously scooted closer to the wall unnerved by these men.

"Do you need something?"I asked looking at the one sitting next to me.

"Well actually-"The one next to me started off before getting interrupted by a different one.

"We saw you alone and figured you might want company"I didn't trust this,or feel safe.I narrowed my eyes at them before stopping.

"Umm,well thank you but I'm actually gonna get going"I figured he would've taken that as a clue to move out of the booth and let me through,but he didn't.

"Well,let me give you a ride ?"He reaches in his pocket grabbing a dangly set of keys.
"I'm alright but thank you"I was trying to be polite,knowing one of them could over power me,and three of them could just absolutely destroy me.He looked like he was trying to calm me,like I was a small fragile animal.

He nodded moving out of the booth.I smiled and waved goodbye before rushing into the cool spring night.My heart racing and my palms sweating,I made sure to check behind me as often as possible.I made it back safely.

Zeke didn't question me coming late anymore.At first he did but doesn't anymore,and for that I am grateful.

The next night I was too scared to leave,I stayed in with Zeke.Being in danger here was better than being in danger out there.

I made him dinner and went to sleep,luckily without any problems.It wasn't until Thursday that we we're problem free.

"I'm gonna head out with the boys"Zeke grabbed his jacket and keys.The sound of the tiny keychain snow globe we got together in Florida shaking slightly.

"W-wait.Where are you guys going?"I stumbled off the couch and moved towards the door.

"The Prime"I scrunched up my nose,my stomach quickly dropping.

"The Prime?!"The Prime was the biggest, most expensive strip club in the city,why would he go there?

"Did I stutter?"

"N-no"I decided to drop it.Annoyed.

"Change that face"He took a step in my direction."Now"

I don't know why I was feeling defiant,but I was.I mockingly smiled before it set back into my usual frown.

He scowled at me."Change it"I crossed my arms refusing.He roughly scooped my hair into a makeshift ponytail and yanked my hair down.I groaned out slowly still making eye contact. He grabbed harder and smashed his lips on mine.I didn't mind.

I reciprocated.

I moaned softly grabbing a handful of his dark brown hair too.He dropped his jacket and keys before picking me up and bringing us to our room.

After what felt like 10 minutes we both finished and he left.He told me he was gonna be out late and not to wait up.I felt dejected,and annoyed.The first time in months that I've actually wanted to have sex with him he leaves right after.

I felt sick.

I got dressed and left the house.I made sure to stay in lit areas and always watch out, the threat of those guys still very real.I didn't know what I wanted to do but I hated being there alone.I walked around for a while before stopping into the only open grocery store around.I wanted to grab more coffee before classes so I wouldn't have to leave so early.I anxiously turned the corner of the store,I don't know why I irrationally thought I would see that guy again,after all we both loved the same drink.Luckily I didn't.

I went back to the apartment and did schoolwork.And it stayed like that for months.Summer had long passed,me constantly in long sleeves and jeans.

Zeke was hardly around and I tried not to be either.The library was basically my second house.

I hated thinking about it still but I hadn't seen the man from the dinner.It made me anxious just knowing him and his friends we're around.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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