The figure

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I here a train rumbling near by. I slowly open my eyes. I only see darkness. I start to panic! My thoughts are flying through my head. Where am I? What happened? Why can't I see? I turn my head to see if I can see anything. I feel somthing move on my face. What is it? I try to reach up to touch it. But I can't move my hands. They're tied no they're handcuffed to a chair I think?! I struggle I try to break free! I can't move! Next thing I know I'm on the ground. The chair or stool fell over as I struggled. I groan in pain as my head hit the ground. I feel a hand grab the thing on my face and pull it off. I'm momentarily blinded by a light. My eyes sting from the sudden light. I try to look around from my position on the floor. I can't see much at all. Two dark figures walk to me with large steps. Judging by their shoes they looked male. They pick me and the chair I'm cuffed to up. They set me up right and j can see everything now. I'm in a room with no windows and one no two doors. I see a dozen or more people in the same outfits looking at me. One of them speaks in a language I don't recognize. Another answers in the same unknown language. I am paraliyed in fear. Wait I've been like this before...paralyzed... My memories flood into my brain and scream at me! I panic and cry. M-mommy! Daddy! I remember everything now. My parents are dead! And I'm I don't know... I look around again. I try to speak but nothing comes out. My throat is painfully soar like I haven't drank in days! My stumich rumbles. I groan. A voice from behind me says "you must be hungry." I nod. I hear keys jangle. Someone unlocks the handcuffs. I grad my wrist. It hurts so much! I see a door and an opining. I run for it. I don't make it far because someone grabs me from behind. I weakly try to fight back. I regret not taking those free self defense classes. I'm out back in the chair. I shake violently with fear. I pull my legs up into the chair and hug my knees. I cry uncontrollably. I hide my face in my knees. A whisper in my ear makes me jump! "Don't be alarmed I won't hurt unless you make me." The whisper says. The figure that whispered to me slowly grabs my hand. I resisted at first but follow the figure to the door behind me. The door opens from the other side. All I see is darkness I tremble with fear as I am pulled into the darkness....

CLIFFHANGER!!!  sorry not sorry!
Well that's all for today! Hope you enjoyed! Update coming later today or tomorrow!! Bye bye my pretties Hehehe!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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