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Rose P.O.V

Love is a special thing to have especially if you have a boyfriend because y'all get to be around each other and love each other.

(On the school bus )

I normally sit by Jack all the time on the bus so i was going to be then when i was going to the sit that we all sit in, i looked and I see that he wasn't on the school bus.

So i texted him ( Where are you?)

The bus driver stops at my house and I see Jack walking down the street, i think he lives in my neighborhood , so I get off the bus and i yell his name , bus driver drives off and I run to Jack.

I see he's looking all sad, so i ask him was wrong, he didn't say nothing back so i ask him again and he didn't say nothing, so i just let him finish walking and i go in the house.

I'm home
All my siblings run up to me with a great big hug , oh wow i miss y'all to,

How was y'all day
All: good

Did y'all already eat some food?
All : no
Do y'all want me to make to y'all something to eat ?

Ok Ok !

Who has homework?

Kiya and Haden : me

Ok do y'all need help

They both say yes , alright

Go get y'all homework out and I'll start half of the food

Kiya and Haden: Ok

Niyah and kaden go take a shower

Niyah and kaden : Ok

So as I turn on stove , my phone starts ringing .

Niyah and Haden your phone is ringing

I run upstairs as fast as i could because i think that's my bestfriend Mikayla .

I look at my it's Jack, I don't answer the phone, I let the phone ring because i don't want to talk to him right now , because I have important things to do .

So he keeps calling, and calling until he finally give up.

So I go help Kiya and Haden with homework , their both in 2nd grade

Do have the same thing?
Both : Yes

Are y'all both in the same class?
Yes the both say

Ok great

So what do y'all  need help with?

Multiplication oh great my favorite one

So the problem is 25 × 2 =

So you guys tell me what is 2×5=
They both 10 , good
So you carry 1 and then you, multiply 2×5 which is 10 again plus 1 is 11

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