Chapter 5

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On the way to the Bronx lodging house, I found a bakery that was still open. I ran in and got some rolls for the boys. I thanked the clerk before continuing my journey. I got to the Bronx lodging.

    "Pops! You're here!" Trip cheered, coming up to me. The short boy hugged me. I laughed and handed him the rolls.

    "How many times have I told you," I walked to the table and set my stuff down. "I'm not a father... Just a male caretaker." I chuckled, sitting at the head of the rectangular table. He looked at me with 'that look'.

    "Yeah right! All the boys around 'ere call ya Pops!" He walked over and sat across my lap.

    I rolled my eyes at him. "How's Strike holdin' up...?" I looked up at him. We made eye contact.

    "Uh... He actually got out of bed this morning, which was great... He's back upstairs with the others." He sighed. I nodded.

    "Shall we go up and join them?" I asked, brushing his hair back. He got up and grabbed the bread before waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. I jumped out of my seat and went up the stairs.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen!" Trip burst through the door that led to the beds. "I give you...! He paused dramatically with the rolls behind his back. "Food!" He held the back up in the air. They boys cheered. I hit his shoulder with my hat.

"Im here too..." I mumble, stuffing my hat in my pocket.

"Oh and I guess Pops is 'ere too." He said, passing out the bread to everyone.

"Hey kids..." I wave before walking over to Strike's bunk. "How ya holdin' up?" I sit on the foot of his bed. He smiled weakly.

"Gettin' better at least..." He mumbled. I frowned but quickly replaced it with a smile.

"Come with me... To the rooftop..!" I smiled offering my hand. Strike was the oldest of the boys, so he took care of them while I was in 'Hattan. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up. I put him on my back and carried him up to the rooftop. I set him down.

We laid there for a moment, staring at the moon. "Seems like the good Lord sent you for me..." He looked at me. He sat up slowly.

"Now, love, I felt quite the same way..." I smiled at him, sitting up as well. I ruffled his hair gently.

"Listen to me, please..." I looked him in the eye with concern. "You know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you... If there was someone around... Someone bad." He looked away and slowly walked to the edge of the building, sitting down. I sat next to him, my legs hanging off the edge. "Someone bad... only you didn't know it..." He turned his head to look at me.

"What is this, who are you talking about?" I asked, worry laced in my voice.

Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around

Nothing's gonna harm you, no sir, not while im around

Demons are prowling everywhere


I'll send em howling, I don't care, I got ways

He sang, looking at the sky. He looked at me and bumped shoulders with me.

No ones gonna hurt you

No ones gonna dare

Others can desert you

Not to worry, whistle I'll be there

He smiled at me and grabed my hat. He placed it on his head, noding once.

Demons'll charm you with a smile for awhile

But in time

Nothing can harm you, not while im around

Not to worry

Not to worry

I may not be smart but I ain't dumb

I can do it

Put me to it

Show me something I can overcome.

He put up his fist in a fighting position. I laughed at his behavior.

Not to worry Rome

He rested his hands in his lap. He looked at me lovingly.

Being close and being clever

Ain't like being true

I don't need to

I would never

Hide a thing from you

Like some

I smiled at him before placing my arm around his shoulders, taking my hat back. I started to sing, putting my head on his.

Nothings gonna harm you

Not while I'm around

Nothings gonna harm you, Strike

Not while I'm around.

Demons are prowling everywhere


I'll send 'em howling

I don't care

No ones gonna hurt you

No ones gonna dare

Others can desert you Not to worry, whistle I'll be there

Demons'll charm you with a smile

For a while

But in time

Nothings harm you

Not while I'm around.

He finished singing. I patted his shoulder, standing up. "We should get inside..." He nodded before standing up. His red hair shinning in the moonlight. I smiled before picking him up bridal style. I carried him down and to the beds.

"You stayin' 'ere Pops?" One of the boys asked. I looked at the clock and then to him.

"Eh... Maybe another day boys... I can still make it to 'Hattan and still have time to sleep." I smiled sadly. "Keep an eye on Strike for me, will ya? ANd maybe Trip... Don't want ya bruisin ya walkin sticks!" I chuckled, ruffling their hair. Trip swatted my hand away.

"My legs are fine thank you very much!" He groaned.

"Sleep tight kiddos... Well, I'll be off." I waved at the door. A chain of goodbyes followed me. If it's one in the morning now, I should be back by like three? Yeah that sounds about right.

I set off on my way back to Manhattan.


    I got back at 3:17 am. I sighed and climbed up the fire escape to the window closest to my bed. I slide open the glass and climbed through. I was so tired. I quickly shut the window and climbed to my top bunk. I flopped onto my bed and tried to sleep. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I grumbled quietly before rolling over to see who it was. It was Crutchy.

"Crutch... What do you want...? I'm trying to sleep." I groaned, sitting up.

"Just wanted to make sure you were alright!" He smiled. I smiled lightly before patting his head.

"Im fine bud... Just go to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." He smiled before hobling back to his bed. I laid back down again before finally falling asleep. The sirens started wailing. I groaned, aggressively slamming the pillow onto my face after rolling over. The sirens didn't stop until the sun had risen.

RUNAWAY ROMEO (Newsies! X Male! reader)Where stories live. Discover now