(NOT Explicit)"I'm sorry, but I don't have a supernaturally sized penis."

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(Despite the title, this chapter(and the chapters here-on)are non-explicit. So far, we have no intentions to make this such a story. Any updates contradicting this will be stated before hand.)

"Well I don't see how we'll get there now." Lisa had gotten over herself enough to join the conversation. "Even if it did exist we wouldn't have any way to get there. Seeing as my camaro is gone."

"Camaro? Isn't that a vintage?"

They were currently sitting in a circle with Jemma lying behind Amanda. She was all patched up--every little scrape--with terrible skills. Lisa's scratches on her arms had opened up, but Jhon and Amanda seemed mainly undamaged. Undamaged from the explosion, that is.

"I told you it was my baby. With a leather jacket what else did you expect?" Lisa was vintage all the way. She tugged at the edge of her yellow jacket as if to prove her point.

"I don't know... one of those new 'barely a hover' cars that are for the rich to show off their money?"

Lisa snorted. "A piece of junk like that isn't worth my time. No, I drive Manually all the way. With ALL my wheels ON THE GROUND."

Jhon sighed, "I'd love to have a look under that hood!"

"Perv." Lisa sneered at him and scooted away from him a few inches.

"Okay, okay. I've told you two to stop flirting already. What I need to know is if you are coming with us or not." Amanda looked at Lisa.

They both ignored the flirting comment. Lisa responded by raising a brow, "Go with you to an imaginary place?" Lisa had a dumb look on her face for a moment before waving her hand "Fine! Fine, I'll go. I'd like to see what other imaginary idiots would go against the city's army." Lisa paused, "Wait, They aren't just... rocks with faces or something, are they?"

Amanda and Jhon glanced at each other.

"Guess that's that, than." Amanda started to get up.

"Yep." Jhon nodded and used his temporary crutch--from a part of the cabin that'd blown off--to stand.

Lisa got up and brushed herself off, "So? How are we getting there?"

Amanda's everyday smile had returned so Lisa couldn't read anything off her face but Jhon had a wide smile taking over his features, as well. It told Lisa that he had a hidden card up his sleeve.

Turns out she was right. Hidden in the forest about half a mile behind the cabin were two old ATVs.

Lisa cringed. "My cammy might be an antique but these are on a whole other level!" The vehicles were in amazing shape for something so old, their gas engine had even been switched to run on the old solar panels tied to the front. They were probably decades older than her camaro. If she was to be amazed at something it was that they were still running at all. Or at least enough to get the three of them here.

She glanced at the side and grimaced, "ulgh. This battery will only get you a few miles at best; It's not the right voltage. Are you sure you can move at all in these things?"

John puffed out his chest, "We can and we have! I fixed it myself. And I'll prove it with the twenty days of travel." Leaving that behind he began checking the straps that held the boxes of food and things on.

"You're coming, Leeza?" Jemma walked up from behind Lisa, "Good luck passing through the chem lands, cityslicker." Jemma laughed and tossed a leg over the black four wheeler. "Amanda, hurry up we have to make it to check before sundown!"

"Yes, bossy little sister, I'm coming." she replied with rude words on her sweet face as she also passed Lisa.

"Wait... twenty days?" Lisa burst, finally having caught on. "You're crazy!"

"I think we are, but not crazy enough to have made up the rebellion. So are you coming or going to make your own way home? You might be able to make it within a couple days if you walk fast and don't sleep." Jhon smiled at Lisa, knowing she no longer had a ride. It'd probably been stolen as nothing was left of it even if it had gotten caught up in the explosion.

"You know?" Lisa asked light-heartedly," I'll go!" Than she added in a mutter, "I'm going to kill James." She got on behind Jhon and turned around. She used one of the boxes on the back as a footrest.



They moved through the bumpy forest but soon found a small animal's trail to follow. Lisa doubted that it was natural and instead assumed it was probably made by their vehicles through the many times they've traveled here.As they moved, Lisa jostling from rocks and the occasional sharp turn, she took out the paper James had given her and read it properly. She's slipped it into her bra when she was crawling and it's been poking her ever since.

Poking her brain even worse was the look from James when he left. It was heartbroken, yet determined. A look she'd noticed him hide before. Had he been planning the explosion the whole time? Everyone knew his specialty was explosives.


I'm sorry to have to tell you like this. I love you. But on the day of Liza's promotion to President I am going to blow up my cabin.

I'm writing to you because I need you to understand why I did it. I'm writing this because I love you, more than anything in the world, even more than my 'precious palace'. You see, this cabin used to belong to my parents. They worked closely with Liza's grandmother, Lisa. This place was the last of a long and beautiful culture. It originated in America. People from all over the world would go there for freedom and the right to speak out. It was a large part of my past as a 'korean'. We don't use words like that anymore, but I'm sure you'll understand.

Those nights we spent together talking and looking at the stars were real. My name and other things about me might not be. I actually really hate avocados. Those avocado milkshakes every morning were to remind me who I needed to be, not who I wanted to be. You know, you were the first person to ever put my cover in jeopardy. And I love you for it. I think you remember that time? That was when I first fell for you.

I'm sorry I lied, and I hope with all my heart that this note finds you before that day comes.

I need to ask something of you. It'll probably be the hardest thing you've ever done.

I want you to survive. I want you to stay away, not get caught in the explosion.

I want you not to tell anyone.

The day of Liza's Promotion she will be asked, under serum, if she is a Dreamer. She won't have a way out, they will know and they will kill her. My job is to take down the rest of you. If I fail, and any one of you pass through the fringe you will be shot on sight. Three people wouldn't make it but you and you alone might be able to.

Please, Amanda, I'm begging you- Live. Live for both our sakes.

You know the consequences of war and, if this continues, these assassination attacks from either side isn't going to cut the thirst for blood. It needs to end here. They have more resources than you know. Their information on you, even without me, is beyond what you could imagine. They watch you as you pass the fringe each time. The reason you can't overcome them is because they know more about you than you will ever know about them.

Please, Amanda. Live. Forget about us, live a life that can make you happy.


P.S. I'm sorry, but I don't have a supernaturally sized penis like the European demigod.

P.P.S Maybe because my name isn't James? Haha.

Lisa face-palmed herself at his stupidity. Ending such a serious note on a cheap joke? Well, that was probably just like him. She closed the letter back up and stuck it in her back pocket. "To bad, I thought it might be super-sized." She whispered.

"What?" Jhon yelled back at her over the noise of the engine.

"Nothing!" As if she could tell him that his treacherous best friend has a tiny penis. She shook her head, as if something like that would go over well.

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