Leave The Cleaning to Me, Sir

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Rapunzel hummed softly to herself, her pink ear buds in her ears as she dusted off the shelving of the Frost estate library. Her hair was up in a messy blonde bun wearing a pair of skinny jeans and form fitting light purple t-shirt that showed a bit of her flat stomach. She moved her hips to the beat of her music, standing on the latter to reach the spot shelf. She didnt mind cleaning for Frost on days like this. Days where he had to leave early for a meeting, stay late for another. These days were the only ones she had to herself and didn’t have to worry about him distracting her or annoying her.

Well, if she was honest with herself, she kinda liked him around. For the last five months she had gotten used to his presence and sometimes she found herself thinking of something funny and turning to tell him, only to remember that he was at work. She frowned to herself. She needed to get her head straight. She was not supposed to miss him or want him around. He was her boss and she was only here until her career got off the ground.

"I dont need him around." she mumbled to herself, reaching up on her tip toes to slide the fluffy end of the swiffer over the very top of the bookcases.


The blonde let out an ‘eep’ as she jumped, her losing her footing enough to wobble a bit on the latter before grabbing the newly dusted shelves to steady herself. She took a couple deep breaths as her hear raced in her chest. Oh god.


"What?!" she yelled back, her hand on her chest as she still tried to cope with her near death experience. A couple foot stomps before the double doors of the library opened wide.

She looked over her shoulder and down at the man who though the ran the world. He looked a bit worse for wear. His hair was a mess, his shirt was already a bit unbuttoned and his tie was gone. But what she noticed the most was the obvious purple bags under his eyes that showed up on his pale skin. That and the permanent scowl on his face.

"Where’s my Colombian coffee? I tried to find it this morning and it wasn’t where it was supposed to be." he crossed his arms, blue tired eyes glared up at her irritably. She blinked in confusion before she pursed her lips in annoyance. 

"I dont know where it is. I clean the kitchen but its Kristoff job to order your coffee imports, not mine." she huffed, turning back to her dusting.

"I wasnt out two days ago." he countered. She rolled her eyes moving the duster over the bindings of the books.

"Maybe you drank the rest of it yesterday."

"Whatever, just make sure you put everything where its supposed to be okay?" he said before turning a heel and stomping out of the library, leaving a very insulted maid behind. 

The worst part was that it didnt stop there. It was one of those days but ten times worse. Every once in awhile Jack would come home from a long day at work and be irritating to everyone he came across. usually he grabbed a beer, played a video game with Hiccup over Xbox live before turning in early. But today was not that simple.

Today he had locked himself in his office, only coming out to complain to her about missing papers, needing this or needing that. She was already working well into six o clock, Kristoff was starting dinner and she was gathering the last of the laundry to wash before she headed home. The blonde still hand her headphones in, trying to drown out her own irritation as she gathered the socks, underwear and towels from the rooms and hampers. 

She hesitated in front of Jack’s office door before she took a deep breath, put on a smile and knocked lightly.

"What?" came back an annoyed demand. She opened the door, a smile still on her face with the sounds of The Civil Wars playing in her ears,

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