Compound Nouns and Suffixes

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What Are Compounded Nouns?

     Compound nouns are when two nouns are joined together. When this happens, in Japanese, two nouns can be joined together when joined by the particle "no" (の). Particles will be explained later. 

Example A: 英語の先生/えいごのせんせい・English teacher

Example B: 日本のクラス/にほんのクラス・Japanese class

     Some compound nouns can be formed without the particle の, for example.

Example A: コーヒーカップ・Coffee cup

Example B: 貿易会社/ぼうえきがいしゃ・Trading company

Example B: 貿易会社/ぼうえきがいしゃ・Trading company

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Noun Suffixes

     There is a suffix used at the end of a noun that means it is a shop or it's a place where that item is sold. Almost like a meat shop or a specific market. This suffix is -ya (や/屋).

Example A: 肉屋/にくや・Butcher shop, butcher

Example B: 本屋/ほんや・Bookstore, clerk, owner

Example C: 寿司屋/すしや・Sushi shop, restaurant

     As you have seen before, the suffix -san (-さん) can be used at the end of these examples to indicate a person working there is a clerk or shop owner.

Example: カメラ屋さん/カメラやさん・Camera shop clerk, owner

     How will you be able to call someone an expert in a specific career or hobby? The suffix -ka (か) can be used at the end of a noun to signify a person's profession.

Example A: 芸術家 /げいじゅつか・Artist

Example B: 評論家/ひょうろんか・Commentator

The next chapter will be about pronouns

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The next chapter will be about pronouns.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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