Why.. are you obsessed????

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Sages pov

I had to sit next to Luke everyday now and all I can hear is "Luke this and Luke that and oops my shirt came undone" I hate it it's annoying "hey Sage" Luke said sitting down next to me "hi" I said rolling my eyes "omg Luke's mine" I hear "no he is mine" another girl yells "hey girls can you both just shut up" Luke said giving them a cold stare "sorry about that" he said turning back to face me "ok why do you care are you obsessed with me" I asked "no just thought we could be friends" he said shrugging his shoulders "ya ahh we have only known each other for a week" I said "yeah but we can get to know each other" he said "fine" I said rolling my eyes again

After class

"Hey" Luke said catching to me "what do you want" I said "nothing just hanging with a friend" he said putting his arm around me "take your fucking arm off" I said taking his arm of my shoulder "what" he said "were 'friends' but don't go think anything of it" I said using quotation marks for friends "I'm not gonna" he said putting his hands up I'm defeat "so you wanna hang out" he said bitting his lip ring "what with your friends" I asked "yeah there not as bad as they seem" he said shrugging his shoulders "fine" I said he guided me to the back of the school were the graffiti wall is "ok were here can we go" I said "no no no" he said and pulled me to his friends "hey mates this is Sage" he introduced "cool I'm Ashton this is Calum and Michael" this guy said "hi" I said waving my hand "so you guys a thing" Calum asked "no just friends" I said "cool" Ashton then said we hung out and It wasn't bad met his friends and we talked they aren't bad Luke flashed me a smile and at that moment I felt my heart tingle but that doesn't mean I have feelings for him does it

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