You idiot!.

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If 'stupid' was invented,

They definitely had you in mind,

Not original I know,

But your certainly one of a kind.


You take it to another level,

Your as dumb as dumb can come,

Hope another you be never,

Your stupids rule of thumb.


You act like you know it all!,

But to all you know nowt,

Voicing your opinions,

Like you know what you on about.


But we know exactly where you come from,

We know the lies which you perceive, 

The falsehoods that you promise,

No one else shall you deceive!.


You've come to your natural end,

As stupid idiots often do,

Believing your own versions of truth,

Believing others have no clue.


But we all know what you are!,

Never no more will you be miss understood,

Your veil has now been lifted,

Now there's no more hiding behind that hood.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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