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         July 26th,2019- Washington,DC

Adrian González came forward during asg break that they adopted Dulce when her biological mother was in a beginning a Mexican Telenovela called "Rebelde" she was 19.


Una vez más me mintieron sobre la familia gonzalez, ellos son solo mis padres adoptivos. Si fui adoptada!
Cuando tenía cinco años me alejaron de mi madre biológica y recuerdo que me quitaron los brazos de mamá.

Cuando tenía 19 años de edad, tenía un papel en una serie de telenovelas llamada Rebelde que se convirtió en una sensación 2004-2006 con tres temporadas. A medida que pasaba el tiempo, no recordaba cómo se veía como gonzalez, que parecía que me habían dado a luz nunca fue un bebé mío desde el nacimiento.

Cuando mis abuelos me capturaron, estaba recibiendo dinero de mi madre. Después de todo el caos del 2017, comencé a darme cuenta de muchas cosas, una que no veo a mis padres y ha habido muchos odios hacia mí.

Último par de semanas hasta que le pedí a mis abuelos que me dijeran si fui adoptada y si sabían una forma de comunicarse con mi madre y me lo dijeron. No estoy enojado con mi madre biológica, la he estado observando durante su papel en esa serie de televisión. Estoy molesto porque no me lo dijeron antes de que se hiciera el daño.

Ella ya está en sus 30 años y quiero reconectarme con ella. No reemplazaré a mis abuelos. Seguiré siendo su nieta, pero mi apellido ha sido cambiado oficialmente a Gómez por el tribunal. He estado hablando con ella por teléfono, pero no me he encontrado con ella, ha estado en los titulares en México y, finalmente, puedo actualizarles todo lo que ha estado ocurriendo y lo que me hizo pensar que él no será sentenciado, pero ha sido acusado.

adivina quién es mi madre biológica.

Dodgers group chat:
Max Muncy:
Translation on your post please Candy! I just noticed your change of username.

Los Angeles Dodgers:
We have gotten a court letter sudden last name change from González to Gómez. Dulce has been to court pass weeks due to a family issue. Dulce finally has been contacted with her biological mom.

Dulce A. Gómez:
Once again they lied to me about the Gonzalez family, they are just my adoptive parents. I was adopted!
When I was five years old, they took me away from my biological mother and I remember that they took me  my mother's arms.

When she was 19 years old, she had a role in a series of soap operas called Rebelde that became a 2004-2006 sensation with three seasons. As time went by, I didn't remember what she  looked like  gonzalez, that it seemed like they had given birth to me.

When my grandparents captured me, I was receiving money from my mother. After all the chaos of 2017, I began to realize many things, one that I don't look like my parents and there have been many hatreds towards me.

Last couple of weeks until I asked my grandparents to tell me if I was adopted and if they knew a way to communicate with my mother and they told me. I'm not mad at my birth mother, I've been watching her during her role in that television series. I'm upset because they didn't tell me before the damage was done.

She is already in her 30s and I want to reconnect with her. I will not replace my grandparents. I will remain your granddaughter, but my last name has been officially changed to Gomez by the court. I have been talking to her on the phone, but I have not met her, she has been in the headlines in Mexico and, finally, I can update everything that has been happening and what made me think that he will not be sentenced, but it has been accused.

Guess who my biological mother is?

Kershaw: I am very sorry for what you have been going through this is very upsetting how he treated you when in reality he wasn't happy about the adoption. You are very strong for holding on for so long with his crap!

Kiké Hernandez: woah, I watched the show growing up. You know you have us from a very long time don't ever feel you don't belong here with us.

Rizzo44: we feel very sorry for what has been happening with you. I know, from when I met you were opening to us about being lonely. I never stopped loving you. You still hold a special spot in my heart and I know you still do.

Dulce showed Alex Verdugo the message he responded for her.

D.Gómez: Thank You for caring for Dulce after what has been happening. Aren't you already married?
- Alex Verdugo-

Rizzo44: I still care for Dulce. What are you doing on replying for her?

D Gómez:
I am her boyfriend.

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