Old music.

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And that's where their journey began. It took some convincing to get Jungeun to cooperate with the whole roadtrip to Damyang. They stopped at Gangnam so that they could get some clothes although it was only a 2 day trip.

" you look good in that." Jinsoul said as Jungeun twirled around in an oversized T-shirt, and jeans.

" too bad I can have it." She said with a shrug.

" yes you can because I'm paying-" jinsoul said before slamming down her credit card to the poor cashier. It went like this for a while before they headed back to the car.

When they got inside Jungeun began to look through some CD's that Jinsoul had in her front container, as Jinsoul backed up and began to make her way onto the highway. It was about 3 pm when they got in the car so she needed a long CD and lots of redbull. She found a playlist called

"Jimin got no jams but I do"

She saw the taller girl smile proudly when she saw the impresses expression Jungeun was making. She popped it in and the hip intro of a Scrub began to play through the speakers of the blue Volkswagen. She watched as the female next to her screamed the lyrics, changing every man or talk about a guy into girl or gal which made Jungeun crack up. Jinsoul drummed her fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of Scrub, as she turned onto an empty street with few cars. Jungeun couldn't help but stare at the odd sight, it was a mixture of pure joy and 4 cans of redbull. It was something she definitely wanted to see more of. " what?"

" nothing- just that you know all the lyrics to an old love song.." she said raising her voice a tone higher to emphasize her sarcasm.

" I'm not old! And I don't listen to "old" songs"

As if right on cue the Beetles You Wont See Me Again began to play earning a skeptical look from Jungeun. The taller girl just rolled her eyes and stained back at the road, lightly singing the lyrics. Soon enough they were both yelling the lyrics making hand gestures to go with them. When Guns 'n Roses began to play, they both looked at each other with the same amount of giddy excitement and mischief. They screamed out the lyrics perfectly. They sang sweetly to At Last, every now and then pointing at each other and making hand gestures. They both sang proudly to Say My Name, already having preassigned roles. Jungeun listened to the somber and angry lyrics of Mama's Broken Heart, and watched as Jinsoul sang it with just as much bitterness and pain as the singer. She saw how Jinsouls tone and eyes changed when singing You are so Beautiful as if she could snap out and into a character or mood quicker than an actress. When the last song on the playlist was over they were both engulfed in a silence, not an awkward or lacking one, but a comfortable silence that Jinsoul welcomes with open arms. The petite girl next to her was just as content but still decided to change the music since they still had 2 more hours to go. The younger girl looked through the CD's and found one that was labeled in red sharpie,

"I'm not "old" >:("

She definitely had to play this one just to spite the older girl. The first song that played was Girls by Girl in red which Jungeun appreciated since it was legitimately her life anthem. Jungeun did notice how Jinsoul smirked when it played. 
" I love this song" Jungeun commented,"it's my life anthem-"

" I love Girl in red, in general"

" same!" She agreed, before being greeted by a buzz on her phone. She pulled it out still muttering the lyrics to Girls.


[3un; I'm taking a roadtrip with jinsoul]

[hy3; but- movie nighttttt ;-;]

She frowned at the reply, earning a concerned glance from jinsoul.

[3un; I'm sowwy~ I'll make it up to you! I promise]

[hy3; it's your treat when we go out to eat again! >:(]

She giggled at the response and left the other girl on read. Anything meant everything except that. Jinsoul looked glanced over at Jungeun who was now singing along to Summer Depression.
" who was that?"

" oh? You have the need to snoop in my business now?" Jungeun replied, making her voice a notch higher. Jinsoul rolled her eyes.

" whatever"

" it was my best friend, Hyejoo. Most people call her hye or her English name Olivia." She said turning off her phone.

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