Meeting (Y/N)

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"All right! We're going to the beach! You ready to check out some hot chicks, Mineta?" Kaminari asked.

That when he noticed Mineta was looking down with a gloomy expression. "I can't. The only way my mother will let me go is if my twin sister comes with me. She's suppose to keep an eye on me to make sure I don't do anything stupid." Mineta explained.

"You have a twin sister?! Dude! Why isn't she coming to this school then?!?!?!!" Kaminari asked.

"She doesn't want to be a pro hero. She wants to be an automail engineer because that's what her quirk works best with. She also doesn't want to deal with me." Mineta answered.

That's when Iida called everyone's attention. "Okay class! We need to plan out who's bringing what essentials we need for our overnight camping trip at the beach. Who can I rely on for bringing tents?" Iida asked.

"I can! My family has tents big enough so that I'd only need to bring two! One for boys and one for girls." Momo volunteered.

"Excellent. What about food?" Iida asked.

"Ooh! I think Sato should bring the food!" Hagakure suggested.

"Well, I could prepare enough food before the trip, but I don't have a way of taking it with us." Sato admitted.

"I've got a couple of coolers you can borrow." Todoroki spoke up.

"That'll do. Alright! That's all we needed to discuss. Other items have to be personally brought by yourselves." Iida finished.

Everyone started talking about how awesome the trip was going to be when Iida pulled Mineta aside.

"Mineta. I need to ask you something." Iida admitted.

"Yeah? What is it?" Mineta wondered.

"On the class roll, you're last name is put on twice, but one is not your first name. Is there something I haven't been informed of?" Iida asked.

"Oh, yeah. My mom told the teachers I couldn't go unless my sister comes to keep an eye on me. My parents don't trust me at the beach unattended." Mineta answered.

"Oh. I didn't realize you had a sister. Well, it's good someone's coming for the soul purpose of keeping an eye on you. Who knows what kind of trouble you could get in." Iida commented.

*Time skip to the trip*

"Alright class! Is everyone here?" Iida called out.

"Not everyone. Mineta and his sister aren't here yet." Kaminari stated.

That when they started hearing hollering heading towards them. "Why do you always have to be such a killjoy, (Y/N)!!!!" Everyone heard Mineta yell.

"Because you don't know how to not be a creep, ya gross little pervert!!!!" A girls voice yelled.

"Excuse me! You must be (Y/N). On behalf of the entire class, we welcome you and thank you for helping with Mineta." Iida bowed to (Y/N).

"No problem. I've been dealing with him our entire lives, so I know how to stop him in a swarming mob of girl in swimsuits." (Y/N) said.

(Y/N) didn't look all that much like Mineta. She had purple hair like him, but that was about the only similarity. Her hair was slightly wavy and she had (E/C) eyes. She wasn't as short as him either. She was actually almost as tall as Momo.

"Anyways, it's nice to meet you. You must be Iida. I remember watching you at the sports festival. I can tell by how you faced other students that you're a respectable guy." (Y/N) held out her hand.

Iida could feel his heart rate speed up. "Oh. Thank you!" He said whole shaking her hand.

After that, Iida cleared his throat. "All right, class. Let get on the bus!" Iida instructed.

*Later at the beach*

"This is why I don't like sand." Iida murmured to himself as he cleared his engines as best as he could.

"You having troubles?" (Y/N) came up and asked.

"Yeah. The sands clogging my engines. It takes me days to get all of it out, too." Iida admitted as he looked up to (Y/N).

Iida found her face totally lit up. Not only that, but her left arm was somehow steaming under her jacket and glove. "Ooh! I've got just the thing!"

(Y/N) reaches into her bag and pulled out a swab. "It's got a content of metal in it, so I'll be able to clean your engine out without having to worry about accidentally dropping it. My magnokinesis quirk is very useful with things like this." (Y/N) explained.

As (Y/N) helped Iida with his engines, her arm started projecting Mineta and Kaminaris voices. They were planning on taking advantage of (Y/N) being distracted.

That when (Y/N) lifted her left arm and pulled it forward. Mineta and Kaminari came with her movement and she hit them both on top of their heads.

"Hey! I thought you couldn't use your quirk through your artificial arm!" Mineta complained.

"I actually found a design that would work. Not to mention I tagged you and your friend with hidden metal baby monitors, so don't think you're secret schemes will go unnoticed. It activates specifically when you have a plan of doing something you're not supposed to do." (Y/N) ranted as she finished helping Iida with the sand in his engines.

"Artificial arm?" Iida asked.

"Yep! It was inspired by one of my favorite animes." (Y/N) explained while pulling her jacket off to show off her shiny metal arm.

"I wasn't born with my left arm, so overtime, I've made myself one! I plan on starting an automail shop for those who don't have limbs." (Y/N) told Iida.

"That's amazing!" Iida admitted. That when the thought of his brother entered his head. "Um, hey. Do you think you could make some automail legs for my brother? He had an incident with the hero killer stain and can't use them anymore." Iida asked.

"Well, that depends on if it merely his legs that are just damaged. If it's just his legs, it shouldn't be a problem, but if there's a problem with his spine or hips, I can't help you there." (Y/N) told him.

"Oh. I guess you can't do anything since he's paralyzed from the waist down." Iida admitted with disappointment.

"That at least for right now. Maybe sometime in the future, I'd be able to help your brother be the hero he once was, so I wouldn't give up yet. If I ever figure out how to make automail legs that'll work even if they're paralyzed from spine damage or whatnot, you're gonna he the first person I call, okay?" (Y/N) reassured.

Iida smiles and nodded. "Thank you."

With all their talk, (Y/N) didn't notice that her good for nothing brother and his friend snuck off.

(Y/N) used her quirk to pull the two back, hit them on the head, and complained about not staying in her sights.

Iida liked (Y/N). She was something special. Maybe even without being official, she would be a great hero to many people.

Iida X Minetas sister!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora