Lets go find the Red Gyarados!

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Lucas yawned. 'The red Gyarados, huh?' The boy knew his friend would jump at the opportunity to find such a pokemon.  He even laughed a little at the thought. Then, one idea lead to another.

"I bet we might find it at the lake..." Lucas thought aloud. So, with that in mind, He grabbed his hat and bag, and left straight for Barry's house.

Knocking at the door, lucas straightened his cap. Barry opened the door to see his buddy Lucas on the doorstep. The blonde smiled. 

"Hey Lucas! Whats up? Whatcha need?"  Barry asked. Lucas cleared his throat. 

"Well, I was watching TV and the idea hit me: How about me and you go over to the lake to hang out? Maybe look for a red gyrados while we're there?" The boy suggested.

Immediately, Barry's eyes lit up. He didn't even go back to grab his bag or anything, He just grabbed his friends hand.

"Then lets go, slowpoke!" He shouted, dragging Lucas behind him as he ran.

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