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He ran a hand through his ebony locks, which were kind of greasy and in need of a wash, as he walked with an intimidating pace.  His eyes landed on a petite blonde girl that he had the strong desire to sink his sharp teeth into.

She looked like she had been on her way home from a club. Perhaps she could have been a stripper or prostitute on her way home after a long night of pleasing lust-thirsty men.  She didn't seem very intoxicated, though; she seemed tired, in some sort of daze. Her platinum blonde cascade of hair fell to the middle of her back in loosely curled layers.  She was dressed in a white dress that went down to the middle of her thighs, hugging her body in all the right ways. It was quite chilly and this poor girl wasn't wearing a jacket.  Chris grew impatient. He couldn't wait to see what she would look like covered in her own blood. Her black high heels clicked against the concrete sidewalk which made his temptation grow tenfold. Chris needed food and he needed it bad. He picked up his pace and caught up with the frail girl.

Within seconds, he grabbed her and covered her mouth, dragging her into a conveniently placed dark and empty alley. It held a few dumpsters, other sorts of garbage, and probably inhabited some rats as well.  The small blonde's screams were muffled against her predator's hand and she squirmed in his grasp, shivering as his cold hand made contact with her face.  She was mortified, to say the least.  Chris, on the other hand, was satisfied since he had been waiting to feed and he finally caught his meal. He wasn't a cannibal. He was much worse. More brutal. Far more merciless.

"Please, I'll give you whatever you want! Just let me go," She begged, in such shock that she could barely breathe properly, tears falling from her deep blue eyes. Chris had moved his hand from her mouth, making her voice audible.

"I don't think so," He growled lowly in her ear followed by a soft chuckle, causing goosebumps to rise upon her pale skin. "Fuck, you're so... appetizing. I can't wait to get a taste of you."

The man smirked as he held his fragile and confused victim close, her back pressed up against his chest. She flailed, kicking her legs and struggling to free herself from his firm hold. With his left arm, he tightened his grip around her busty chest which resulted in making the tiny girl wail as he snapped three of her ribs with his effortless squeeze. Chris hurried to cover her mouth again, to make sure no one could hear her crying and screaming for help. The petite body sobbed, her tears flowing down her fair cheeks and dripping onto the sleeve of Chris' leather jacket. Her tears dragged her mascara down her face, her red lipstick smudged across her cheek. It happened to be all over the palm of Chris' hand too. He moved his left hand so that he had a hold of her neck, squeezing it, making sure she had a difficult time breathing.

Her arms were now free so she elbowed Chris' torso as he choked her, since he was now just pressing his left arm against her chest to keep her up against him. She continued to kick her legs while Chris took his hand and moved strands of the girl's long blonde hair to the left of her neck, giving him a clear area to sink his sharp teeth into.  Chris changed his grip again, his left arm wrapped around her torso to keep her as still as possible.  He licked his lips as a smirk tugged at them. The small girl cried out once again as he made the first bite. He watched the blood drip from the fresh wound like the wax on a burning candle and he admired his bloody incision. He knew the pain that she was experiencing, knowing she would be completely numb soon. She gasped for air and choked through her tears. Chris hummed out of satisfaction as he fed, sucking every bit of life out of her neck.

He enjoyed her taste, savoring every single drop of the sweet crimson that poured from her arteries. With a final lick of blood from his lips, he was finished with her.  A smiled spread across his face, a small bit of the girl's blood dripping from the corners, satisfied with his ninetieth victim. That wasn't a large number, then again Chris had only become the monster he is now a hundred-something days ago. He was considered a newborn, a mere fledgling, yet he quickly learned how to fully control his urges and hunger.

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