Chapter 2: Surviving

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[Arc 1] Chapter 2: Surviving

It has been 5 days since then, and in those 5 days I am having a hard time surviving especially in a forest and being blind doesn't help at all. But I managed...I think.

On the first day I awoken, I was getting use to being blind and relaying at my senses. Then I got super hungry that my stomach shouted so loud for food, now that is my problem.

Hunting food in this forest I am staying at, is definitely not easy. I would get so many scars and bruises from falling down on rocks or branches, with nothing in hand I didn't eat anything.

And I would get hurt by some unknown  being. At night I slept like a log but nearly got eaten, from that moment on I started sleeping on the top of trees while climbing then falling on my butt for a few more times.

It wasn't a pleasant night as I would woke up in the middle of the night, is it night time or day time...actually I don't know. Everything looks the same to me, the dark greenish scenery.

I just sleep whenever I get tired or when I felt like it's time to sleep judging from the silent of the forest and the crickets.

I can tell if it is day or night...maybe, it is just my conclusion but when its day I would feel the warm heat and when night comes it's super cold, literally.

On the second day I practice, not falling every time I guess. From my memories I know I am not blind and have perfect vision. Having perfect vision then suddenly go blind is hard, always being cautious of your surroundings walking every slowly afraid that you'll fall or trip on something.

That whole day I tried to understand and learn slowly, you see I may not able to see things but as I wonder off aimlessly in the woods for practice I am able to figure out things.

Like the green stuff that I am seeing is actually an aura like, I think. But the point is while as I was walking I saw many things like plants are coloured green and animal even the smallest creatures are all coloured white.

Stones are coloured gray, i am really happy of this discovery cause that means I won't be tripping every time.

On the third day I woke up with a grumbling tummy, I was so hungry and haven't eaten for two days.

Still I decided to practice a little and do a little exercise, before I find something edible.

And I did find something edible but I have to run for it because of a monkey like figure are all chasing after me, maybe that's because they found me eating their valuables.

But I was too hungry to even care.

On the fourth day I got my first hunt! By improving my senses and not tripping I can now run confidently though sometimes I would get hit if not careful, and I got hit alot.

Setting traps is easy and all I have to do is lure my prey into it. And I got a big one, lucky!

Though there will always be problems, producing fire is hard.

I want meat! And I get it.

Having this big catch I use its sharp teeth and crated a self made dagger. Then I get myself cut when i am not careful, it hurts.

And on my fifth day which is the present time, while I was exploring the areas I found a cottage.

It looks abandoned though.

So I decided to move there and stay there and that cottage became my new home.

Though it is dusty it is okay as long as u have somewhere to stay, I even tried cleaning it, it did not end well for me.

And after that I just collapsed onto my self mad bed which is a pile of dead leaves that us stuffed inside my self made pillow, the animal skin that I hunted yesterday.

I managed somehow, I just need to be creative that's all.

And off to dream land I go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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