chapter 5: why him!

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My inspiration for this chapter was from the day out I had with my friends. Everything from the cinema to McDonald's. Except we did stuff before the cinema too.
~Next day~

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and almost sprinted off the sofa and to the kitchen. Before I went in I decided to look around the corner to see if they were done yet. They weren't done. But I wasn't that upset over the pancakes I was ,all of a sudden, feeling dull because Payton was there..... The one person I didn't exactly want to talk to right now. I started to get feelings for him and then ,out-of-the-blue, he suddenly has a girlfriend. He didn't even tell me. I went back to the sofa and just lay there hoping no one saw me. I just don't want to see him.


The pancakes were ready and Jackson was the one to wake you up. Phew. You almost immediately sat down at the table and tried your best to not catch Payton's eye. But of course I just had to speak to him...ugh.

"Morning lily." Payton said.

"Morning and when did you get here?" I replied, still half annoyed.

"Well, I wanted to have a day at the shopping centre or maybe the cinema I don't know." Payton replied in a slightly awkward way.

"Ok then we could watch the new lion king." Jackson suggested.

"Sure." Answered everyone but Jackson.

You guys drove in Dylan's car to the cinema. You bought the tickets, popcorn and tango ice blasts. ( I'm not sure if that's just at the empire in Sutton or not.) You guys went in to the room and sat down and you just happened to be by the one...the only..... Payton Moormeier. 'Great'.
The lion king was actually really good and they kept all of the songs including your favourite. Of course you messed around and danced, who wouldn't.
(Just going to admit that me and my friends went and it was so good. Mainly because we messed around but the film was still great from what I saw.I'll let you read the story now.)

You actually forgot Payton was next to you. It was amazing. The film finished and you went outside and went to McDonald's for chicken nuggets and a strawberry milk shake.
While you were there you got told off by one of the workers for being to rowdy ( idk if I spelt that right) and just made some tik toks after. At about 2:30 you guys split up and went your own ways.

Sorry it's short.

moving to NC ~payton moormeierWhere stories live. Discover now