Getting to the point

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I don't feel like I'm that great at writing fight scenes, at least not the physical kind.  Please forgive me, if you can.


Ford's thoughts ran a mile a minute, making calculations, amending, double-checking, resolving.

This was when his brain worked best: under pressure, with the odds stacked against him. He couldn't help a spark of elation as his ears caught the sounds of pursuit.

He found a loose thread on one of his sleeves, and after pulling it straight, bit through it; he then slipped up to one of the taller lockers, and stuck it quickly into one of the holes in the door.

Since his opponent was probably a reasonably skilled bounty hunter, he would suspect that the thread had just been planted there to lure him off the trail; however, also because he was a reasonably skilled bounty hunter, he couldn't afford not to check on the off-chance that Ford was hiding inside in anticipation that he would suspect a plant and therefore leave the locker alone.

(If your head's starting to hurt, don't worry-mine is too.)

Anyway, Ford slipped away, ears straining for the sound of footsteps, occasionally looking up at the ceiling just in case the lizard man was capable of climbing the walls, until he ducked down behind a new row of lockers, thoughts racing again.

Is he more likely to expect me to run and hide, or try to fight? He had a wanted poster with Stan's face on it, but I don't know if that means he's drawn any positive conclusions about Stan's personality that I can use to my advantage, I need more data-

A crash from the other side of the room jolted him back into action; carefully he peered around the corner.

The lizard man had forced open the locker Ford had decoyed, and was peering inside for a moment before moving on to the next one. His method of opening them, he noticed, was by placing his hand over the lock for a minute; when he lifted his hand, all that was left was a small hole in the door.

Whatever substance is covering his hands; of course.

Ford grimaced, wishing their guns were functional so he could take him out from a distance.

Taking advantage of the sound of another locker crashing open, he crept towards the entrance to the pool area; hopefully once the lizard realized he wasn't in any of the lockers, he would draw the logical conclusion and go towards it.

He was ten feet away...five...four...

The lizard man landed in front of him.

"Going somewhere?" he demanded.


Ford swung his fist, doing his best to remember everything he'd learned in boxing class, aiming for the creature's jaw for a quick knock-out. The lizard, though, dodged the blow effortlessly, and the punch that followed it, weaving around him with a smug smile and then lashing out himself. Ford barely managed to jump back, away from the acidic material covering his hands, and finally landed a blow-a kick that hit the lizard man in the midriff, throwing him back against the wall for a second.

Ford didn't get so much as a chance to catch his breath, however; seconds later the lizard man was straightening up, rage in his glittering eyes (which he could see now in the shadows of his hoodie), and rushing at him again. But he stayed more or less unfazed; one of the few benefits he attributed to being sucked through that portal was a vast improvement in his self-defense skills.

For several minutes the two opponents wove back and forth through the locker room, striking and dodging and swiping at each other in a grotesque parody of dancing.

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