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→ ❝ you'll love me at once the way you did once upon a dream!

Ever since he appeared in her village, crying his eyes out on one sunny day in 1909, Henry Johnson and Carol Goodwin have been inseparable. Living as next door neighbours, they would often climb over the picket fence that separated each garden and hide in the shed, munching on apples from the Johnson's orchard and chatting about whatever horrible thing could plague a six year old's life.

As they grew older, experiencing death and life and all the things in between, Carol and Henry grew closer, spending hours a day beneath the tree in the Johnson's orchard that bore the sweetest apples in the summer and had the barest branches in the winter. Visiting church on a Sunday, loving their parents, and being well-rounded members of the village community, Carol and Henry lived the perfect picket fence life.

And then one day, to Carol's surprise, sweet Henry Johnson left the village without so much as a goodbye, in search of something that even Mrs Rosemary Johnson didn't have the heart to tell Carol.

With a little inside knowledge from one of her cousins, Carol was soon on the next train to Birmingham in search of her Henry Johnson, desperate to regain the picket fence life she once had. Her cousin, on the other hand, told her not to hold her breath; what happens in Birmingham certainly does not stay in Birmingham.

 Her cousin, on the other hand, told her not to hold her breath; what happens in Birmingham certainly does not stay in Birmingham

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❝ I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest ❞

much ado about nothing, act iv scene i

❝ PICKET FENCE! ❞ → GRAY ✓Where stories live. Discover now