• i n f o r m a t i o n •

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•• m a i n  i n f o r m a t i o n  ••
Welcome to This Is A Mess (Weird title-)!
This command game will be different (e x t r e m e l y  d i f f e r e n t)from the ones I've made. They'll have some different mechanics as well as different commands but the commands will mostly still work the same.
If you have any questions that have not been answered on this page then please tell me and I'll try to add it in.
If you are confused about certain things then just make a comment on this page and I'll get to it as soon as I can!

•• c r e d i t ••
Thank you -hardcorefxnatic- so much for the amazing book cover! It's  g r e a t

•• r a n k i n g i n f o r m a t i o n ••
- Leader -
The leader has the highest ranking. A short explanation is, they can do literally anything. Congrats, if you're the leader then you now have u n l i m i t e d p o w e r . Their word is law and they're now stronger than SpiritClan itself :)
- Deputy -
The deputy is similar to the leader but they don't have as much power in the clan (They still have a lot tho-). They can do most things the leader can do but they aren't allowed to force cats to become mates or breed (Oh yes they can). They can't assign a cat a punishment unless given permission by the leader (They can do this too ;3). They can still tell a cat to hunt and the cat will have to do it. If something seems out of place then it is the deputy's job to tell the leader. The deputy is second in the power rankings.
- Medicine Cats -
Medicine cats are the main healers of the clan. There can only be six at a time and only toms can become medicine cats (Sorry she-cats). They can have mates and kits but only if given permission by the leader. Medicine cats are third in the power ranking. Any other ranks below do not have a place on the power ranking, as they are seen as normal cats in the clan.
- Warriors -
Warriors are pretty important to the clan. They don't hold as much power as medicine cats do. They can become mates with whoever they'd like unless the leader chooses one for them. They are in charge of keeping up the prey supply (Which really isn't hard so uh...high expectations there) and border. Warriors are mostly able to do what they'd like to do (Fly, shoot laser beams, steal catnip, you name it). Occasionally the leader and/or deputy may interfere but other than that warriors are pretty normal (Or at least as normal as this clan can get).
- Queens -
Queens aren't considered the most important ones in the clan ranking but they are still pretty important, like warriors. Despite taking care of kits, they still won't be allowed to eat first, seeing as the leader, deputy and medicine cats come first. Once their kits are old enough to become apprentices they can then go back to their original rank. During their time as a queen they won't be able to do anything (False. Commands for queens will be listed soon) other than play with their kits.

•• m a i n p u n i s h m e n t s ••
- Death -
Commonly used when a cat goes against the leader's words. Also used when a medicine cat becomes mates and/or has kits without the leader's permission. The leader can choose how the cat dies, rather it be being mauled by dogs, drowning or simply using deathberries.
- Changing Ranks -
Used mainly for if a leader is feeling merciful towards a medicine cat. If a medicine cat either becomes mate or has kits without the leader's permission then the leader can force the medicine cat to change their rank to a warrior apprentice, starting off with zero skills in hunting and battle. They will have to train again to become a full warrior. If the medicine cat is expecting kits then they will be able to have those kits but the kits will be given to a different queen to take care of. The medicine cat will not be known as the kits' parents nor will the kits be able to acknowledge them as such. The queen taking care of the kits will then be known as their biological parent.
- Exile -
The cat is then exiled from the clan. This means that they will be removed from the game. It's the most simplest punishment probably.

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