My Love Is: Yours, Truly

393 33 15

First Year

Her first steps onto platform nine and three quarters sent chills running down her body. Jennie has never been around so many magical children. The only interaction she's had with other witches and wizards have been around her father's friends and coworkers and Merlin forbid they have any children before they've 'established their careers'. Her trips to Diagon Alley didn't even compare to this.

A slight nudge to her cheek brought her attention to her calico Maine Coon perched silently on her luggage, tail swishing behind it in a slow rythm. The huge cat stares at her, head tilted slightly. Some part of her wondered if it was possible that the cat is part Kneazle from the way it's eyes would glint intelligently; as if it knows something.

"Alright." Her father grabs her attention, clutching a pouch and a letter in one hand. "Here," he said, handing her both items, "there's twenty galleons in there so you can buy snacks from the trolley lady. The letter is from me." He smiles at his daughter who scrunched her eyebrows at the letter.

"What's it for?" She asks, eyeing the the letter whilst weighing the pouch in her other hand. Twenty galleons is a bit much for snacks, but she isn't about to complain.

"Well, I felt a little... sensitive? If that's even the right word. I decided to write it all down-- my thoughts and feelings. You, my only daughter, off to Hogwarts... almost brings a tear to my eye." Playfully, he wipes the corner of his right eye, an exaggerated frown marring his face.

Jennie laughs, holding her stomach. "Dad!" She whines.

Chuckling, he wraps his arms around his daughter. "I'm gonna miss you while you're away, sweetheart." Pulling back, he points at the letter in her hand. "If you ever miss me, you can read this letter."

"... or I can just write one to you."

He smiles, albeit sheepishly. "Or you can just write one to me."

Her cat, Saja, impatiently swats at her shoulder, as if telling her to get going. Jennie rolls her eyes, scoffing at the feline. "Ok, ok, I get it. Dad, we're gonna get going." Jennie moves to hug her father once again, wrapping a tiny arm around his waist. "I'll see you in four months for Christmas time."

"Of course, hun." He leans down, looking around suspiciously at other people before whispering, "you remember all the charms, right?"

Jennie copies her father's movements, eyeing the crowd around them before cupping her mouth. "Yes," she whispers back.

He smiles. "Good. Have fun, pumpkin pie!"

"Bye, Dad!" The wave she gave him is exaggerated, pulling a silent laughter from his chest. She was going to miss him.

The train bustled with life and movement. Students ran up and down the corridors, looking for their friends. Growing up part veela had made her senses better than a regular person's and the onslaught of new things attacked her all at once, making her head spin. She nearly fell over, but two dainty hands caught her by her shoulders.

She turns around, coming face to face with one of the prettiest girls she's ever seen. Her long, brown hair fall over her shoulders in waves, accentuating her round eyes and small face. "Woah, careful there." Her accent didn't sound British and it caught Jennie off guard.

"Thank you..."

"No problem." She smiles, "I'm Roseanne. I'm kinda... new to the area so I don't know anyone." She holds out her hand, gesturing for a handshake.

"I'm Jennie. It's nice to meet you." She accepts Roseanne's hand, bowing her head slightly as a force of habit.

"Do you wanna sit together?" Roseanne asks, pulling her hand away. "That is, if you don't already have people waiting for you," she backtracks, palms up.

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