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Whether or not anyone wanted to say no to Izuku's invitations they had to go. Their lives, as well as everyone's freedom, rested on them obeying the greenett.

When they showed up they were escorted into the house. It showed of his wealth and control. They felt unusually small, even All Might seemed to shrink, in the overly large house. It took them a while, but they reached the back of the house where Izuku was sitting in the dining room.

"Ah~ welcome everyone. Take a seat." He motioned to the chairs around the large table. They froze before forcing their bodies to move towards the seats, trying to sit as far from him as possible.

"As I'm sure you can all see, my plan is going accordingly. Every thing is just so flawless." Izuku had a constant smile on his face, one with sinister intentions. Without much care he kept speaking, not minding that all of his guests were practically shaking in fear.

"Oh yes! I have something absolutely marvelous to show you all!" He quickly leapt out of his seat. He opened up a curtain in the room, and pulled out a remote. Everyone gasped as he pushed the button. The wall was covered in screens. Each screen showed a different place. One thing stayed constant in all of them though.

The suffering people.

Every screen showed another person screaming out for help, crying out in pain. Izuku happily pointed Todoroki to the one showing his father. Endeavour's flames where out. He was in a tank of water. He had a snorkel on his face, but chains were holding him to the perfect place where he could breathe, but only sometimes. He was trashing around, trying desperately to get out of his confinements.

For once Todoroki looked to want nothing more than to help his father. Even a stray tear fell from his eye at the scene. Truth be told, he would feel awful for anyone in that position. Everyone else in the room, besides Izuku, shared his opinion. Afterall, they were being trained to be heroes. It would obviously hurt as anyone in a saviour position to see people in this type of pain.

Izuku simply stood at the side, giggling at the looks on his former comrades faces. He just absolutely adored the looks of pure horror on their faces. It was everything he wanted and more. Then he laughed out, loud enough to get all of their attention again before continuing to talk.

"Oh, you haven't even seen the best part yet! Tada!" He yelled out as he pushed a button, revealing another screen that took up a whole wall on it's own. Then the screen turned on to showed a certain building. Inside were all the major leaders for Japan. They had been all gathered up by Izuku's followers, and put in the same place. The feed was also being broadcasted worldwide. Everyone knew that this was it, the end of their freedom as a planet. The evil mastermind had gotten what he wanted, and no one could stop him. Not even the heroes around the world could hope to go against him. Everyone could only bow there heads in pure despair.

Those that were in the room with Izuku watched on in shock as every person in the building was assassinated one by one. Every way different and more cruel than the last. Some people cried, feeling the loss of freedom take over. Others had lost there will, staring on blankly. The last few tried to light up their anger, only to fall further into despair. Then Izuku spoke up again once the building lay quiet in death.

"Isn't it wonderful? You got to see the end of the world as you know it, while standing next to its cause!" He walking forwards smiling his old, calming, smile while wiping away one of Uraraka's tears. She could only tremble and step away from him. He simply tilted his head and smiled again.

"Aw, don't be like that. Think about it, you just got to see the world's most monumental moment up close! This is the kind of thing you tell your children! Well...if you could." His smile turned devious quickly. Everyone shook in fear, they suddenly became aware of the camera in the room. The camera that was pointed at them. Another screen had opened, showing a crowd from the outside world. The crowd was watching them, they had seen everything so far, but no one was dumb enough in the room to assume that this was the end. No, Izuku had plans if he wanted everyone outside to watch.

Right as predicted he acted. Pushing another button on his remote people came in. They held each person down, pushing the heroes and heroes-in-training down on the ground in order to kneel in front of Izuku.

"Now, some of you I think I might keep, we'll see how I feel. For now though, I'll get started with the final act to this show." With those words Izuku took out a gun and immediately shot Uraraka in the head. Her crying and whimpering stopped cold. Everyone was silent, their voices not able to make any noise. Their tears were also silent as they fell continuously. Izuku acted without any remorse though, instantly shooting Jiro next. He continued on, not giving anyone a break. He got to a certain point before stopping. He looked around and nodded, seemingly pleased with his choices. Then he turned towards one person.

All Might.

The older male was no longer smiling. Blood was splattered on him from the nearby bodies. He was unresponsive and vacant-eyed until Izuku got down in front of him, getting on eye level.

"Well then, I never thought I'd see the world's number one hero look this dead inside. It's such a pity that you can't give me anymore entertainment. And to think, that you trusted me so much before now. You even gave me your whole livelihood! How upsetting it must be to watch your pupil do the things I've done. I have to wonder what type of things have been going through your head. The 'What if?'s' and 'If only...'s. I wonder how many times you look at me and see who you though I was. How many times you compare me to the boy you knew. How many times you've dreamt of another world where this never happened. Where I really was an innocent kid that you helped to become a true hero, loved by all.......oh well, it's your mind. I'll never know." Izuku said his whole speech while all the living and dead alike were silent. Izuku gave one last sweet smile before standing up.

He closed his eyes for a second. When he reopened them they almost seemed to be glowing. He pulled back his arm, and a power seemed to engulf it. Red lines wrapped around his arm, and green sparks bounced around it. He took a breathe before bringing his arm down on his predecessor, only saying one word.


[Thank you all for reading! I know this Is a bit of a shorter book, but I like it all the same. I hope you did too! If you did, please vote and comment! You of course don't have to, but I love it every time it happens! Anyway thank you all again, bye bye~~]

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