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I hear the crack
I want the old me back
Found out it was soul AND heart
I put it on the chart
not one or another
But both
Wishing I could see my mother
I sit and coast
Through my life
Wondering why it causes strife
More than I can handle
I'm melting like a candle​
Someone found me trying
Not to start crying
And they started pry
Told me I could fly
Then walked off
Their words made me scoff
What is there for me?
What is there that I could be?
I have no skills
No way of singing the trills
They expect me to be able to sing
They expect me to bring
Something I'm good at
the only thing I can do is get fat
Maybe yell
Saying I'll try to sell
The fact that we're all equal
I don't believe that bull
If we were we'd be the same
But we aren't not all are sane
Not all grow up in a good home
Not all hate being alone
Not all are pretty
But some are shitty
Some like being isolated
Some have been treated
As if they were worth
Less than the dirt
We stand on
They've always felt alone
But that's not their choice
But now they don't hear the noise

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