Chapter 4

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By the time I had arrived back to the tower, the sun had set and the moon was glowing brightly in the sky. I passed the guards at the doors silently, ignoring their confused glances as to why I was not only out this late, but why I was doing so alone. Of course, these guards didn't know I was the famous billionaires daughter, all they knew is that I was under the care of the Avengers. But even then, they were sworn to secrecy. They knew I needed to be protected, they just weren't allowed to know why.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, I was greeted with worried faces, a collection of "where were you?" and "We were so worried" filled the room. As I explained to everyone where I had been, they all calmed down, and after getting a mother like scolding from Steve, the group disbanded and retreated to their rooms.

Except for one person, who held a disapproving look on his face. My least favourite look. "Hey... dad" I gave him a nervous smile. To which was only returned with a frown. "Don't 'hey dad' me! Where were you?!" I sighed. "I already said where I was, I was at the beach, no biggie." The billionaires face scrunched up. "No biggie? No biggie?! Y/n! We had no clue where you were! You could of been kidnapped and we would of had no idea!" I frowned, realising he was right. In a normal family, this wouldn't of been such a big deal, but this isn't a normal family, and I need to remember that. "I'm sorry..." I whispered. My dads face softened as he pulled me into a hug. "Look, its okay, I just... I was so scared that something had happened to you. I would of never forgiven myself. You can't just disappear without telling anyone, you could of at least answered my calls" We separated from the hug. "I had my phone on silent, sorry" my dads face lit up as he thought of an idea. "Hmm, why don't we create an AI for you, one that's linked to F.R.I.D.A.Y so that its easier for me to contact you, and you'll have a lot of resources to help you if you ever are in trouble, ya know, to give your old man a little piece of mind"

A smirk formed on my face,  little did my dad know, I had been working on my own AI for months, and I had finally finished it just the other day. "That would be great!" I cheered. "Okay it's settled then, I will have it ready in a couple of days-" "actually..." I cut in. "Um dad... you know that secret project I have been working on for a while?" He nodded, a confused look on his face. "Well.... I might of created my own AI already" a smile crept on to my dads face. "That's my girl, let me see"

I punched in the pin code to the little safe in my room and opened up the door. Inside were two small earpieces, a pair of glasses and a watch. I could see the pure excitement in his eyes as he inspected the items. "All three devices are connected with the AI, while they generally serve the same purpose, they all have their own little seperate functions, the glasses can help me look at information right in front of my eyes, the ear piece, which while in the ears, is small enough to go undetected, allows me to communicate with both the AI and anyone else I wish, while the watch is fitted with loads of different defence mechanisms, including a stun laser, mini tranquilliser darts and so much more! All while looking like an ordinary Apple Watch!" My dad watched me ramble on with loving eyes. "That all sounds amazing, What did you decide to call your AI?" I paused. Retreating to a little whisper. "Rose..." the billionaire tensed. "Oh..." he whispered back.

See, Rose is, well, was the name of my mother. Her and my dad had been together for only a month before she accidentally got pregnant with me. This caused a crack in their relationship, they decided to end things, on good terms. My dad still cared deeply for my mum, he promised he would be their to help raise me, no matter what, he promised he would protect both of us from any harm. Unfortunately, that promise was broken when my mother was killed in a horrific car crash when I was only 2 years old. I don't remember her, but my dad has told me many stories, and from what I can gather, she was a really loveable and amazing person. I may not be able to remember her, but that doesn't mean I don't love her. I love her so incredibly much, thats why I named my AI after her, to honour my mothers name.

"Is.. that okay?" I asked. My dad pulled me in for another hug, a few tears sliding down his cheek as he stroked my hair. "It's more then okay, I love it, and I love you, I'm so proud of you" a tear slid down my cheek as well. "I love you to dad, so much"

A/N - sorry if this is boring, and also doesn't contain any Peter, but don't worry, he'll be back soon 🙃
Word count - 884

Mr Stark's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora