Chapter 2

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     Harry and his girlfriend sat down at the table and I quieted down a bit. His girlfriend Kaylie kept me giving me nasty looks. I decided I would just eat lunch outside. I got up and said,"Erm, I'm going to go outside. Have a good lunch guys." I waved and walked off outside. Kaylie seemed pretty pleased when I left.

     I sat down at the end of a bench with my lunch on my lap. I began eating my sandwich again. I heard the door of the lunch room close. Louis walked over to me and sat down. "Hey, why'd you leave?" I put my sandwich on the napkin in my lap and sat their with my head down. "Erm, I don't know. I just don't really feel comfortable around...umm-" He cut me off,"Kaylie?" I nodded. He lifted my head up and said,"Don't worry about her. I don't like her that much either actually. She's not the nicest person in the school. But seriously don't get uncomfortable. She is nothing special, but you Felicity, you are probably like the only girl I have met that is actually nice and doesn't pretend to be anyone else but herself." I smiled and looked at his eyes. His eyes met mine and I seemed to be getting lost in them.

     "Well, if you want, I could spend the rest of lunch with you?" "Yea sure." I smiled and we talked for awhile. Louis was really sweet and was fun to talk to. He told me that he had four sisters and one of their names was Felicite. WQe talked abou tthem and I told him about my family. I was an only child but I loved my parents and I was a bit happy I was an only child.

     "Well fourth period is about to start. And I have to get across the school. So I'll see you later?" I nodded and he said,"If its okay, maybe I could drive you home, if you wanted." "Okay,"I smiled and he headed off for his fourth period. Our school was kind of weird. We had three main course classes for a semester and two electives. Then next semester we would have three new main courses and two new electives. Our school day were short but I liked it.

     My fourth period elective was photography. All the elective classes were on either side of the school. I was closer to my electives so I was glad I wouldn't have to try to beat the bell. I grabbed my binder and agenda and walked towards the photography room.

     I walked in the room and I felt like I would throw up. I remember Louis told me I had my electives wit Harry. Great. I saw him and he waved slightly to me. I just looked at him and walked to an empty table. I put my stuff down and sat on the stool. I looked around the colorful room. Harry walked over to my table and sat down next to me.

     "You're Felicity right?" I nodded and looked away trying to avoid the conversation. "Well I'm-" I cut him off and looked at him, "Harry, yea I know. Louis told me." "Oh ok....well I'm sorry about this morning when i bumped into you. I would have helped you up ,but my girlfriend Kaylie and I had to get to class." I thought for a second. "It's alright. I just got a small cut on my leg, but I'm alright. And Louis helped me find my classes and stuff." "Oh..okay." 

     Our teacher walked in and he began speaking,"Alright class, welcome to photography. This semester you will be obviously taking a lot of pictures. You all will have partners and those partners will be the person sitting next to you." Oh gosh. I have to be partners with Harry. Harry looked at me and half smiled. His dimples showed and he looked back at the teacher. This semester we would be working to create the yearbook. We would be given assignments with our partners to gather people to take a picture or take pictures of certain classes or things each day.

     Mr.Williams gave us our cameras and gave us each our first assignments. We all had a different assignment. Harry and I got the assignment of taking pictures of the band class. Seemed pretty easy and Harr yseemed really excited about it. I wonder why.

     We headed for the band room, which was on the other side of school, and Harry led me. The band was in the middle of a song so we walked in quietly. I realized why Harry was so excited. Kaylie was in band. She played the flute like every girl does. I walked around the room looking for a good picture opportunity. I reached the back of the room where the percussion was and saw Louis.

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