2 - Kaylee

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I pick my favorite fighter, Jade. I've almost always picked her in the endless virtual battles I've had with my brother. Although I've never been much of a gamer myself, that game holds a special place in my heart. Playing together after school used to be our sibling bonding time - no homework, no parents, a treasured moment with just the two of us. I've always been fiercely competitive just like him, so I got quite good. I'll go easy on Alex though... at first.

I look at the girl for a moment. Her brows are furrowed in concentration as she flips between characters, trying to make a choice. She's barely changed, she still looks like the photos Jayden used to show me when we were younger. Same big blue eyes, round cheeks, freckles, and chestnut hair. Look, she's my girlfriend! Isn't she pretty? Jayden would gush excitedly, eyes sparkling. My brother would probably rather die than admit it in front of his friends, but I know he's a romantic at heart. As a child, he would babble excitedly about his future mate, and how she would be his princess... It was pretty adorable.

That was years ago though - to be honest, I'm not sure what he thinks about it now. With his training to successfully take our father's place getting more and more intensive, he's been home less and less. We haven't talked about his future mate in ages - he has other things to worry about. I can tell the stress of the upcoming ceremony, and the responsibilities that will entail, is getting to him. As a result, Alex hadn't been on my mind for a while either. I always thought I would only meet her at the ceremony, when my brother would take the title of Alpha and they would be united as mates. I never expected her to come knocking on my door on a Sunday afternoon - that girl has guts !

I think again about her face when I first opened the door. No, it wasn't just guts. That girl was terrified. Who wouldn't be? In three months, she's supposed to start living with a complete stranger! A complete stranger she's expected to love unconditionally, have children with, and spend the rest of her life with. It almost makes me want to gag. Why do we still follow this stupid outdated tradition? Just like my brother, I would never admit it, but I guess I'm a romantic at heart. My idea of romance is different than his, though. I secretly read love stories, and I'm fascinated by the idea of finding the person meant for you, the one who understands you like no other and makes your heart feel warm. I've never felt that way before, but if I did, I wouldn't want anyone to get in the way, especially not an assigned mate or people who think tradition should dictate my life! 

I tried to talk about it with my brother before, but he just shrugged it off. He never seemed particularly bothered by it. Out of the two of us, he's the one who should be upset! I don't have an assigned mate yet, and unless something happens to my brother, his mate and their future children - in which case I would be the next heir to the Alpha position- I probably never will. Since the chances of me becoming the Alpha are essentially nonexistent, no one really cares what I do. It sounds sad, but it's not, not really. I would never want the burden of responsibility that comes with the Alpha position. I have more freedom than Jayden ever will. 

Still, being the Alpha's daughter is a bit restrictive. I'm still expected to attend boring reunions and dinners. Worst of all, I also feel like people treat me differently, like some kind of celebrity - they have this air of respect for me that I despise. People usually either stay away from me because they feel intimidated, or try to befriend me just because I'm the Alpha's daughter - I see right through them and avoid them. As a result, I've never had many close friends.

That's why hanging out with Alex is... nice. She seemed a bit intimidated at first, like almost everyone would, but she quickly warmed up to me. Her attitude quickly shifted when she realized I'm not some kind of snob princess, and here we are, playing video games together like kids. It's been a long time since I felt like I made a new friend.

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