Captain Clash!

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*sfx: "Oho Oasis - Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga Bowser's Minions Music Extended" plays*

It was a tropical island that was not marked on any map and seemingly unknown to the rest of the world. It had been abandoned for some time now, as all that had left behind by the previous inhabitants were large elaborates ruins and vast riches that were locked away deep inside. While devoid of a single inhabitant, the island itself was still lush and green making it feel like a little piece of paradise with the impressive structure of the ruins themselves still remaining a marvelous sight to behold despite their current condition.But recently, the lost island was finally discovered as a vast pirate crew made up of strange beings who had settled on it and now covered almost every inch of it. Small creatures armed with spears known as "Pirate Gooms" and other kinds of minions paced around and hid about on the look out for intruders. Not only were they on patrol through out the island, but many of them were scattered about the vast chambers and hall ways of the ruins themselves.

They were none other than the Brown Sugar Pirates! Thought to have been disbanded many years ago, this pirate crew lead by their lady captain were still quite active contrary to what others believed. Rather than cause a commotion and make themselves known, they instead opted to do steal things in private and not leave a trace of their existence behind when they were done.

Deep in the ruins, many kinds of golden and bejeweled treasures were being carried out little by little, with one of the last being a large treasure chest. A sultry red haired pirate looked it over, having made sure to bypass and disable all the various booby traps of this temple while also making certain that this heavy chest was safe. She was their leader: Captain Syrup!After her inspection, she gave a hand signal to a bunch of pelicans. With a rope wrapped around the treasure chest, the pelicans held onto the other end and took flight, trying their best to lift it with their combined strength. They finally managed to lift the heavy chest off the ground, now they just had to carry it all the way to Syrup's ship: The Sweet Stuff, and they'd be ready to go.


Just then, a scimitar was thrown out of seemingly nowhere, cutting through the rope and causing it to fall back onto the ground with a loud thud! Syrup and her crew were taken by surprise, as the scimitar spun around in mid air before turning back the opposite direction like a boomerang.A woman with pale purple skin wearing a large pirate hat and a skull face-like top that exposed her navel leapt into the air and caught the boomerang-like sword, doing a flip on her way back down and landing on her feet.This was a pirate one who Captain Syrup had never seen before. It seemed this clever girl had managed to bypass the other pirates patrolling the island and made her way into the deep depths of the temple. She had to admit, she had guts, but she was definitely not of sound mind if she had come here all by herself."Well well, what do we have here? It seems we have ourselves an uninvited guest! What's the matter, sweetie? Are you lost?" Captain Syrup asked, not at all intimidated by the woman that stood before her."Yeah yeah, don't get cute with me. I may have gotten here a bit late, but I'm not just going to sit back and let you take everything! Normally I'd just come down with a heavy assault on this entire place and blow you up, but I'm feeling generous today. So why don't you and your goons leave this place and sail somewhere else?" She explained, then changing tone as she gave a coy smile. "Besides, I don't wanna damage any precious merchandise..." She added.

"That's a rather generous offer, but I can tell you're lying through your teeth... You have no intention of letting us simply walk away, and you're probably going to sink our my ship the or even plunder it yourself. The second I turn around, you're going to literally stab me in the back." "Oh come now, do I look like a liar to you?" Risky Boots asked, smiling with her eyes half closed in a flirtatious manner.

Death Battle: Captain Syrup vs Risky BootsWhere stories live. Discover now