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I woke up at 7:00 and got up to make my mum and sister breakfast, as my mum worked in the morning so when she gets back from her morning checks she gets breakfast, and it's just convenient to get Natasha's done then too. So I made pancakes and ate mine I went upstairs and got dressed. I grabbed my phone and my school bag and left the house, Nat always walks with her friends,  some times I can't help but feel jealous. As I walked outside I saw a fancy car drive up to the Eldons house which was strange as they never had visitors. Out got two kids a girl and a boy the girl looking about my age and the boy about 11. But I would be late if I kept hanging around and walked too school but I couldn't stop thinking about the new kids in town...

Authors Note
Hi, Allure here. Vote if you like it. Thanks a lot!!

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