The boy who will never be mine

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"I thought I've got everything planned  after high school,
Having a loving boyfriend, who is always here for me. Justin and I have been dating for five years now.
Even though it takes three good months for me to trust him and realized my love for him was real.  And I've never loved anyone like I've loved him,  he is actually the best thing that have ever happen to me...
After we graduated from high school, everything was great until the night for my best friend birthday party when Justin walked up to me,  kissed me on my forehead and ask me to walk by the beach with him..

Hy Justin!   Wassup I asked,
You look lost in space..
And he stare deeply in my eyes to tell me the most heart breaking News,  I knew we were drifting apart,  but I try my best to make things works out,  cause I loved him.
Alexa!  i'm sorry,  but I think it best we broke up,  I don't love you anymore like before,  there is no emotions or passion. I'm truly sorry.  He said and walk away leaving me dumb found.
I stare at his faded back until tears block my vision, I wanna run after him,  but I couldn't move,  and for the first time in my life I fainted..

Weekes gone by,  and my life was still a mess,  I couldn't get anything done correctly. I cried for days, I couldn't eat or go out.  My mom got worried sick,  she called Justin but he has changed his number and block me from all social media. It like he disappear, he become a ghost...........

I heard my mom calling me,  I look up at her standing at my door,  with an envelope in her hands,  with the beautifully smile on her face..
One guess was that I got in,  at the University of  Oxford, it was the college both Justin and I decided to attended. My mind went to him again,  wondering if he got in too..
I was so deep in my thoughts,  that I don't notice that my mom is walking over to my bed,  until she touch my hands...

Hun! I know that you're hurting, and that gonna take some time to heal,  but you're smart,  beautiful and still way too young to be feeling this broken.. One failed love doesn't means that it the end of the world,  you have a wonderful future ahead, going to the college you dreamt off.  I know you can get through this,  but you're refusing to do so,  just pleaseee for my sake and that of your dad's be strong and live your life as planned,  before Justin ..  We love you Alexa Hudson.
Oh mom!   I love you and dad too,  I realized now,  how silly I was behave. I promise I'm gonna be fine okay. I hug her so tightly and kiss her on the cheeks, she left the envelope on my desk and went out.
I went to the bathroom and took a bath, as I took my bath, I made a promise to myself that even though,  I'm truly over Justin, I was still going to make him pay for hurting me and lying to me.. He has no idea the pit I've been in,  so i'm gonna throw him down that same pit..

I still can't believe I'm really in Oxford, I've dreamt about it for some long and now I'm finally here,  I inhale the fresh air,  so many different faces, and not one familiar.  I was deep in thought that I didn't notice someone was standing I'm right of me,  as I walk right through him,  I hit my head on his chest,  his muscular chest,  his smell was of vanilla and heaven sent,  I felt strong arms around my body,  I felt perfectly fix in his arms,  for the first time I felt safe in someone's else arm other than Justin....
I slowly or rather took my time to look up at him,  his strawberry lips I met first,  then his beautiful nose,  I inhale the same air his nostril exhale, then I stare at his eyes. His eyes which look so familiar,  deep Emerald eyes staring back at him.
I realized we were having a moment,  and everyone seem to fade away,  it was just the two of us. 
Until a voice breaks the moment.
No any voice,  Justin's..
The stranger let go of me,  I'm felt cold,  not cause of the weather,  but cause of the emptiness I felt,  when he let me go.

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